30 Nov The 5 MOST IMPORTANT Exercises for Runners | Episode 40
Timestamps: 0:00 Start 0:48 Why Strength Training is Important for Runners 2:24 Exercise 1: The Step Variation 3:48 Exercise 2: The Squat Variation 4:41 Exercise 3: The Calf Raise Variation 6:02 Exercise 4: Core Exercise (Hip Flexor) 6:48 Exercise 5: Full Body Exercise 8:20 Conclusion Public Service Announcement For All Runners - you need...
30 Nov A BETTER Way to Stretch Your Hamstring | Episode 39
Timestamps: 0:00 Start 2:23 Test Your Hamstring Flexibility 3:11 Loaded Hamstring Stretching 4:37 Re-Test Your Flexibility 5:11 What is Hamstring Tightness Are your hamstrings constantly tight? Have you tried a ton of static stretching but still your hamstrings feel tight? We’re here to show you how you can finally loosen up...
17 Nov How to FIX Your Butt Wink | Episode 38
Timestamps: 0:00 Start 0:27 What Causes a Butt Wink? 2:23 Fixing The Butt Wink - Hip Mobility 3:42 Fixing The Butt Wink - Lumbo Pelvic Control 6:28 Is Butt Wink a Problem? Are you concerned about your butt wink? We have you covered! This video will break down what causes the...
04 Nov Turf Toe Rehab In 3 Easy Steps! | Episode 37
Timestamps: 0:00 Start 0:27 Mechanism of Injury 1:09 Phase 1 Rehab 2:38 Phase 2 Rehab 3:55 Phase 3 Rehab Turf toe injuries many times are left improperly managed and can lead to chronic pain, reduced push-off strength, and eventually joint deformity if left untreated. Turf toe describes an injury to the...
04 Nov How to GET RID of Neck Pain | Episode 36
Timestamps: 0:00 Start 1:03 Mobility Exercises 2:32 Neck Muscle Stretches 7:36 Stability Exercises 13:46 Conclusion Neck pain is one of the most significant health problems worldwide, it is estimated that up to 70% of the population have neck pain at some time in their lives. It has also been suggested that...
02 Nov 4 Exercises to IMPROVE Your Stiff Mid-Back (Thoracic Spine Mobility) | Episode 35
Timestamps: 0:00 Start 0:21 Thoracic Spine Stiff Defined 1:32 Thoracic Spine Extension 2:51 Thoracic Spine Rotation 3:54 Final Words Sedentary lifestyles are an undesirable hallmark of modern society, affecting a significant proportion of the population. Prolonged sitting, (a form of sedentary behavior), has progressively become the norm with computerization in the...
02 Nov The BEST Serratus Anterior Exercises | Episode 34
Timestamps: 0:00 Start 0:26 Serratus Anterior Definition 1:31 Closed Chain Serratus Anterior 3:38 Open Chain Serratus Anterior 5:28 Conclusion Serratus Anterior, which is also known as the “Big Swing Muscle” or “Boxer’s muscle” due to its effectiveness of protracting the scapula. Not only does this muscle have a cool name, but...
28 Sep How To Rehab A Lateral Ankle Sprain | Episode 33
So you sprained your ankle and you're looking for the best resource to get you started on your journey to recovery. Look no further than the video above! This is an awesome starter video that'll break down what an ankle sprain is and more importantly...
28 Sep Master the Single Leg Romanian Deadlift! | Episode 32
The single leg Romanian deadlift is a whole body, complete, functional exercise that can be used for rehabilitation, as well as strength and conditioning purposes alike. You get phenomenal posterior chain recruitment while working on single-leg stability, which is absolutely vital for injury prevention as...
08 Sep Pulled Hamstring Rehab: How To Manage A Hamstring Strain! | Episode 31
Have you ever strained your hamstring before? You’re not alone because guess what, we are regular human beings too and Craig strained his hamstring! Hamstring strains are among the most common acute musculoskeletal injuries. Athletes who participate in track and field, soccer, and football are...