HOW: Start on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.. Push down with your toes and hands lifting your knees slightly above the floor going into the bear crawl position.  While keeping the knee bent, kick out with...

HOW: Lunge forward with one leg.  As you lunge forward, bring both hands down and place your palms on the ground next to the foot.  Maintaining the lunge position, take one arm and rotate it up twisting your mid back. Repeat with the other...

HOW: Lie on your back and bring your knees up with your lower legs pointing straight out. Start from the neck and slowly lift your upper back off of the ground until you feel your upper abs engaged. Think of curling up, one vertebrae...

HOW: Lie on your stomach with your arms up over your head and your legs straight.  While keeping your upper body relaxed, bring one leg up and over the other side rolling your body onto your back.  Your leg and hips do all of...

HOW: Lie on your back with your knees up and feet flat on the floor. Control your breathing and slowly draw in your pelvic floor muscles without moving your hips or legs.    FEEL: You should feel the muscles in your pelvic floor working.   COMPENSATION:...

HOW: Using a bench or elevated surface, kneel down and place your tricep on top of the ball.  Start with the ball by your elbow and slowly moving it in different directions working your way towards your shoulder.  Find areas that feel more “sticky”...

HOW: Standing next to a wall, place your shoulder on the wall.  Bring your forearm up the wall, creating a 90 degree bend in the elbow.  Move your feet away from the wall leaning into your shoulder. Place your other hand on your hip...

HOW: Lay on your stomach with your legs straight and your arms up over your head on the ground. While keeping your lower body relaxed, bring one arm up and extend it back, rotating your upper back and mid back causing your body to...

HOW: Lay on your back with your legs straight and both arms above your head on the ground. Bring one knee up towards your chest with your toes pointed up. Keep your upper body relaxed as you let your leg drop over the other...
