HOW: Using a weight bench, place your elbow on the bench directly below your shoulder. Bend your knee and place it on the bench. Lift your hips up in the air to form a side plank position, then straighten out the top leg. Engage...

HOW:  You are going to be moving side-to-side in this exercise. Step to the side turning your body 90 degrees to perform a rotating lunge. Immediately reverse the movement and turn 180 degrees and go into a lunge in the opposite direction. Push your...

HOW:  Step back with one leg. Keeping your weight on your front leg, drive into the ground and push yourself back up into a single leg balance position.   FEEL:  Feel your glutes and your quads of your front leg working.   COMPENSATION:  Don’t push with...

HOW:  Start one hand against a wall. Push into the wall with your hip, knee, and ankle. This is your starting position. Slowly bend your hip, knee, and ankle to “load” your leg. Then, explosively push away into the wall.   FEEL:  You should feel...

HOW: Get set up in a half kneeling position, but have your foot and knee that is supported on the ground positioned in-line with one another. While rooting your body into the ground, maintain balance and the position for the time instructed.   FEEL: This...

HOW:  Step backwards and out to the side like you were to perform a curtsey, lower yourself into a lunge position and repeat without taking another step. Keep most of your weight on your front leg, use the back leg for balance.   FEEL:  You...

HOW:  Get set up in a half kneeling position with the ankle you want to work in positioned in front. To perform the mobilization, bring your knee and shin bone forward over your toes while keeping your heel down on the ground. Follow along...

HOW:  In a seated position, place your feet on the ground under your knees with your toes facing forward. On the side you're performing the stretch, move your foot back and while keeping your toe on the ground, lift your heel up to move...

HOW: Get set up at the top of a down dog position with your heels lifted and your weight supported through your toes with your big toe facing straight forward. Perform the stretch by lowering your body down and letting your knees bend while...

Description: Are you dealing with a nagging discomfort in between your shoulder blade and your spine? No matter how many stretches you do, or how much time you spend foam rolling it, does it still persist? Pain in this area often gets labeled as...
