06 Sep Burpee – Kettlebell
HOW: Begin this exercise with two kettlebells resting on the ground. From here, grip onto the handles of each kettlebell and kick back into a plank position lowering yourself down into a push-up position. From the push-up position, jump up into a squat holding...
06 Sep Burpee – No Jump
HOW:For this exercise begin laying flat on your belly with your legs straight and hands positioned under your shoulders.From here, push up quickly through your arms bringing your feet under your hips into a squat position. From this squatting position, standing up quickly and...
18 Aug Pull Up – Mixed Grip
HOW: Begin this exercise by hanging onto a pull-up bar with one palm facing you and the other palm facing away to perform the mixed grip. From the hanging position, use your core and shoulder muscles to pull your body up while bending your elbows. ...
18 Aug Mountain Climber – TRX
HOW: Begin this exercise on your hands and knees with your toes in the handles of the TRX. From this position, push through your arms and straighten your legs to assume a plank position. Once in this position, drive one knee quickly towards your chest...
28 Jul Hollow Body Floor Press – Dumbbell
HOW: Begin laying on your back holding a dumbbell in both hands. From this position, keep your legs straight and lift them several inches off the ground and lift your head and shoulders a few inches off the ground. From here, perform a chest press...
18 Jun Seated Calf Raise – Off Step, Quick
HOW: Begin in a seated position with your toes resting on a slightly elevated surface with some form of padding resting on your knee and a weight resting on that padded surface. From here, you are going to quickly push up onto your toes working...
17 Jun Hand Release Push Up
HOW: Begin in a push up position. From here, lower down by bending your elbows and allowing your chest to come all the way down to the ground. Once your chest is resting comfortably on the ground, bring your hands up off the ground for...
17 Jun Hamstring Switches- Alternating
HOW: Begin on your back with your heels resting on an elevated surface and with a slight bend in your knees. Raise your hips up off the ground and bring one knee towards your face. From here, rapidly drive that heel down towards the elevated...
17 Jun Eccentric Single Leg Squat – Heel Elevated, Wall Supported
HOW: Begin at a wall for support with your back against the wall and your heel raised resting up against the wall in a single leg position. From this position, squat by bending your knee allowing the knee to come over the toes in a...
10 Mar Single Leg Triple Hop Assessment
This is a great assessment to look at your single leg power and control. Set up a starting line on the ground with an object or piece of tape. You will need to start with your toe behind the line and your hands on your...