HOW: Place 5 cones in a cross design. Starting on the end of an outside cone, sprint to the middle cone, turn to one side and sprint, turn the opposite direction and run to middle, and continue repeating in this fashion until you end...

HOW: Start by standing on an elevated surface with one foot on the edge and the other hanging off the side. All in one motion, swing and rotate the leg hanging off the side out causing your body to rotate 90 degrees. Land on...

HOW: Stand next to an elevated surface. Shift your weight to the outside leg with your knee slightly bent and the other leg off of the ground. Slightly bend down and push into the ground, jump to the side and land on top of...

HOW: Shift your weight to one leg and slightly bend your knee. With that leg, push into the ground and hop forward three times.   FEEL: You will feel all the muscles in your legs working.   COMPENSATION: Landing Position. Make sure your knees are aligned...
