03 Aug Single Arm Tall Plank – Swissball
HOW: Start by assuming the tall plank position with both hands on the ball. Then slowly slide one hand into the middle of the swissball and gentle take away your other hand. Really drive the palm of your hands into the swissball in an...
03 Aug Sideplank – Swissball
HOW: Assume a sideplank position on a swissball. Dig your elbow into the middle of the swissball for the most stability. Stay strong through the shoulder and do not let it collapse. It will help to keep both of your feet on the ground...
03 Aug Hollow Rock
HOW: First get into the hollow position by drawing your ribcage down and towards your hips. Slowly lift your legs and upper back off the floor to form a shallow "C" position. This is your hallow position. Once here, rock back and forth while...
31 Jul Single Leg Hip Thrust – Band Around Knees
HOW: Begin with your mid-back against a bench or elevated surface with your feet hip-width apart. Place a resistance band just above your knees. Bring one knee up towards your chest to tension the resistance band. The elevated leg should be not only driving...
30 Jul Straight Leg Raise – Single Leg Bridge Position, Band
HOW: Start on your back with a resistance band placed slightly above your knees. Perform a straight leg raise with one leg to tension the band, with the leg on the floor drive in with your heels to lift your hips up towards the...
04 Jul Split Stance Lift – Rotation, Bar
HOW: Begin in a split stance position with the leg towards the anchor in front. Grab onto the bar which should be anchored from below. While holding onto the bar with both hands perform a lift motion diagonally upwards away from the anchor moving...
04 Jul Split Stance Chop – Rotation, Bar
HOW: Begin in a split stance position with the leg towards the anchor in front. Grab onto the bar which should be anchored from above. While holding onto the bar with both hands perform a chop motion diagonally downwards away from the anchor moving...
04 Jul Split Stance Chop – Push Out, Bar
HOW: Begin in a split stance position with the leg towards the anchor in front. Grab onto the bar which should be anchored from above. While holding onto the bar with both hands perform a chop motion diagonally downwards away from the anchor moving...
04 Jul Chin Up
HOW: Begin by holding onto a pull-up bar with your palms facing you. Then pull yourself up primarily pulling with the shoulder blades then moving at the shoulders and elbows. Slowly lower yourself back to starting position and repeat. FEEL: You will feel your...
04 Jul Pull Up
HOW: Begin by holding onto a pull-up bar. Then pull yourself up primarily pulling with the shoulder blades then moving at the shoulders and elbows. Slowly lower yourself back to starting position and repeat. FEEL: You will feel your back working with this exercise,...