HOW: Start by holding a medball while standing fairly close to a wall to the side of you. Begin by stepping back with the outside leg away from the wall. Load that leg up by slightly bending the knee, hinging forward at the waist,...

HOW: Place a cone on the ground in front of you. Start with one foot behind the cone and the opposite leg reached out to that side. Bend the knee that is behind the cone. Hinge forward at your waist and touch the cone...

HOW: Anchor a band in a low position. In a standing position, loop the band around the ankle closest to the anchor. Have a slider underneath that foot as well. From here, bend the outside leg’s knee and hinge forward at the waist as...

HOW: Set up two cones on the ground in a line on opposite ends of each other. Stand on one end with the other cone to your side. Slightly bend your knees and hinge forward at the waist. Shift your weight to the balls...

HOW: Begin by holding a medball at your waist with your body perpendicular to a wall. Slight squat down by bending both knees and hinging forward at the hips. Shift your weight to the outside leg(away from the wall). Hop two times with that...

HOW: Grab onto a towel with both hands and start in a standing position while holding the towel at chest height. Begin the crow hop by taking your outside foot and crossing it over the other foot. Then, take the original inside foot and...

HOW: Grab a medball and start in a standing position while holding the ball at chest height. Begin the crow hop by taking your outside foot and crossing it over the other foot. Then, take the original inside foot and step back in front...

HOW: Use a stable surface or chair with a pad placed on top of it. Position your body side lying and put one leg on top of the pad on the chair or raised surface. The inside part ankle/lower leg should be comfortably on...

HOW: Use a stable surface or chair with a pad placed on top of it. Position your body side lying and put one leg on top of the pad on the chair or raised surface. The inside part of your thigh should be comfortably...

HOW: Get cones set up in a triangle pattern. Standing in front of one cone facing another cone, begin advancing to that cone by staying on your toes and quickly stepping to the cone with your knees bent and upper half slightly hinged forward...
