06 Sep Lateral Adductor Lunge – Slider, Dynamic
HOW: Begin this exercise standing with a slider resting under one foot. From here, step out into a lateral lunge with the outside leg bending that knee. From that lateral lunge position, pull the leg with the foot resting on the slider up to...
18 Jun Shoulder Abduction Wall Walk
HOW: Begin facing perpendicular to the wall with your finger tips resting on the wall. From this position, slowly walk your fingers up the wall as your arm goes into abduction. Once you reach the top of the motion, slowly walk your fingers back down...
12 Mar Walking Pigeon Stretch
HOW: Shift your weight to one leg as you bend the opposite knee and place the lower leg over the top of the knee on the leg you're standing on. Hinge forward at the hips keeping your back flat and slightly sink down on your...
10 Mar Side Hop Test
HOW: Place two pieces of tape on the ground that are 40cm apart. The goal of this test is to hop side to side with one foot clearing each tape line for 30 seconds. The rep is only counted when the foot clears the tape...
10 Mar Cross Over Hop Test
This assessment will look at your hoping ability while taking on both forward and side-to-side forces. You will start by laying tape or a tape measure down on the floor with a standardized starting position of 0. You will line the hopping leg up with...
27 Jan Sumo Deadlift To High Pull – Barbell
HOW: Place a barbell on the ground directly in front of your legs. Stand in a wide stance with your toes facing outward. Keeping your chest upright, bend your knees and lower your body with your arms on the inside of your knees. Pick up...
27 Jan Mid Thigh Isometric Hold – Deadlift
HOW: Start by setting up a barbell underneath the J hooks or spotter arms within the squat rack. The arms should be placed at your mid thigh height. Find your “power stance” with your feet roughly shoulder width apart. Grip the bar slightly wider than...
27 Jan Dead Hang – Supinated
HOW: Start by standing under a pull up bar. Reach up and grab onto the bar with both hands. Make sure both palms are facing you like an underhand grip to obtain the supinated grip. Hold this for as long as prescribed. FEEL: You should feel...
27 Jan Dead Hang – Single Arm, Band
HOW: Start by standing under a pull up bar. Loop a strong band above the arm that you don’t want to focus on. Reach up and grab onto the bar with one hand, and hold onto the band with the opposite. Focus on holding your...
27 Jan Dead Hang – Unilateral
HOW: Start by standing under a pull up bar. Reach up and grab onto the bar with both hands. Let one hand go and focus on holding onto the bar for as long as prescribed with one hand. FEEL: You should feel your hand, arm, and...