HOW: Stand in front of an elevated surface. Begin the exercise by stepping up onto the elevated surface and over and beyond the other foot (if stepping up with the left, place the left foot to the right of your right foot). Stand tall...

HOW: Begin by standing on an elevated surface. While balancing on one foot, slowly lower yourself down and reach behind and past the foot that is on the elevated surface (if standing on left foot, reach behind and to the left past your left...

Start position: Begin on your hands an knees in a tabletop position. Simply being in this position adds a posterior glide of the head of the femur.   The movement: place one foot over the other leg which will put your hip into slight external...

HOW: Rotate your shoulder from internal to external rotation and repeat. When in external rotation, think about scooping back your shoulder blades while attempting to point your thumbs towards the floor. When internally rotation allow your shoulder blades to come up and forward while...

HOW: Begin on your side with your shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles stacked over each other. Place the resistance band just slightly above your knees. In this side lying position keep both feet slightly off of the floor then open your top knee up towards...

HOW: Begin in a plank position onto a foam roller while holding onto a resistance band with both arms. Your feet, hips, and shoulders should all be in one straight line. You will then roll out primarily driving with the shoulder blades while keeping...

HOW: Begin in a plank position with your scapula engaged. You can see the protraction of the scapula, maintain this position for the entirety of this exercise. With the elevated arm rotate your shoulder from overhead down towards your hips. Keep your arm up...

HOW:  Place one leg in front and across you. Your shin should be perpendicular to your body. Slowly sink down with your chest until you feel a pull in the back of the hip. You can rotate your body towards the leg in front...

HOW: Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position with your knees spread as far as comfortable. Rock back until you feel adequate stretching of your groin.   FEEL: You will feel a stretch in the groin/adductor region.   COMPENSATION: Make sure to keep...

HOW: Place your affected arm on a high surface like a countertop to the side of you. Let your shoulder completely relax. Either step out away from the table or move your hips away from the table or both, to slowly increase the amount...
