HOW: Place a resistance band around your forefoot, holding onto the band with your hand to the inside of your foot or tying the band to a sturdy anchor. Apply resistance to the band by pulling the band with your hands or by scooting...

HOW: First tie a band around a sturdy anchor. Then place the looped part of the band around the front part of your forefoot. With resistance on the band, slowly bend your ankle upwards towards the sky and towards you. Then slowly lower it....

HOW: Draw circles with your ankle. You can draw clockwise or counter-clockwise circles. If after a surgery or injury, make sure to follow the instructions of your physical therapist as there may be ranges of motion you want to be careful with.   FEEL: You...

HOW: In a standing position with all your weight on your unaffected side, gentle place your affected foot on the ground with the big toe pointed forward. Try your best to stretch the big toe and drive your heel backward. This stretch may not...

HOW: Get set-up into a football Heisman position using a wall and a swiss ball between your knee and the wall. While maintaining this position and pressure into the ball against the wall, lift up on your toes with the leg that is on...

HOW: While in a deep squat position hold onto a stable surface. Slowly lean towards one side while driving your body and your knee forward. Repeat on the other side.   FEEL: The more you drive your body forward the more you will bias a...

HOW: Follow along with the video.   FEEL: You will feel all the muscles in your legs working to control the landing and descent.   COMPENSATION: Landing Position. Make sure your knees are aligned over your toes. They should not dive inwards on the landing. Your...

This ACL Injury Prevention Program is designed to be used in court sports like basketball, volleyball, handball, etc.   The program is designed in 3 distinct phases.    Phase I: Dynamic Warm Up Phase II: Foundational Strengthening (Hip/core) Phase III: Movement Coordination/Plyometrics/Cutting   Phase I Setup: 2 rows of 6 parallel cones, spaced...

HOW: Get set-up with your back against a wall with your feet about a foot away from the wall. Lower your hips down against the wall until your thighs are parallel to the ground, lift your heels off the ground, and hold this position.   ...

HOW: Get set-up with your back against a wall with your feet about a foot away from the wall. Lower your hips down against the wall until your thighs are parallel to the ground, lift one foot off the ground and then lift your...
