02 Jul Ladder – 2 In, 2 Out
HOW: In, In, Out, Out. Stand on one side of the ladder at the end and facing it. While on the balls of your feet, tap your toes in and out while moving laterally. Find the best pace for you. The quicker the better,...
02 Jul Ladder – Ickey Shuffle
HOW: In, Out, Up. Stand at the end of the ladder. While moving forward, keep one foot in the box but keep jabbing in and out as you shuffle through each block. Find the best pace for you. The quicker the better, but in...
02 Jul Ladder – Double Trouble
HOW: In, In, Out, Out. Stand at the end of the ladder facing it. Moving forward through the ladder your feet should go in and out. Think in-in for both feet and out-out before moving to the next block. FEEL: You should feel the...
02 Jul Ladder – Centipede
HOW: 2 In - 2 Over - 2 Out. Place a ladder on the ground. Face the ladder from the side. You’re going to be moving forwards and backwards as you move laterally towards the end of the ladder. Step into the ladder with...
02 Jul Ladder – Carioca
HOW: Crossover, return, behind. Place a ladder on the ground. Stand in a square at the end of the ladder. Move laterally as you cross one leg over in the front and then that same leg behind you while rotating your hips with the...
02 Jul Ladder – Back and Forth
HOW: One In, Two Out, Back and Forth. Place a ladder on the ground. Face the ladder from the side. You are going to be moving forwards and laterally during this drill. Begin with stepping into the ladder with one foot, and out of...
02 Jul Crossover Hopping
HOW: Place two cones about 10 yards from each other. Shift your weight to one leg, keep a slight bend in the knee as you push into the ground jumping forward in a continuous diagonal direction. Jump to each side diagonally as you move...
02 Jul Agility Drill – Deceleration Shuttles, Circles
HOW: Set up two cones as a gate on two sides. Place one cone 5 feet from the gate and another 5 feet from that one. Start at one gate sprinting to the first cone. Stutter step clockwise around the cone, move to the...
02 Jul Agility Drill – Deceleration Shuttles, 180 Turn
HOW: Using 6 cones, place 3 of them in a row spaced out. Place the other 3 the same distance but on the other side a few feet apart creating a lane. Run to the middle set of cones, slow down and turn back...
02 Jul Agility Drill – 90 And 180 Turns
HOW: Place 5 cones in a cross design. Starting on the end of an outside cone, sprint to the middle cone, turn to one side and sprint, turn the opposite direction and run to middle, and continue repeating in this fashion until you end...