24 Jun Isometric Knee to Post Split Squat
HOW: Grab a cushioned pad. Set up at a wall or post. Take a split stance position as far as you can from the wall while still keeping your front foot flat on the floor. Push your knee into the cushioned pad. Sink down into...
24 Jun Kickstand Deadlift – Overcoming Isometric, Kettlebell
HOW: Grab a kettlebell or weight that is heavy enough that it is difficult to move. Set up in a kickstand position with the kettlebell to the inside of the front leg. Hinging the hips back, reach with your opposite side arm encouraging rotation of...
24 Jun Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat – Isometric
HOW: Grab a bench or any elevated surface. Taking two steps away from the bench, set up in a split stance position facing away from the bench. Elevate the rear leg foot onto the bench, getting the contact point where the ankle hinges. Keeping the...
21 Jun Single Leg Step Down – Isometric Squat Rack, Weight Behind Back
HOW: Stand on a sturdy 2-6” box//platform pushed up against a squat rack. Hold a kettlebell behind your back as it will help cue an upright trunk position. Hold one leg out and in front of you with the heel floating in a half-squat...
21 Jun Split Squat – Overcoming Isometric, Kettlebell
HOW: Grab two kettlebells or weights that are heavy enough that they are difficult to move. Set up in a half kneeling position with the kettlebells to the inside and outside of the front leg. Slide the shin of the front leg forward over the...
21 Jun Step Up – Overcoming Isometric, Kettlebell
HOW: Grab two kettlebells or weights that are heavy enough that they are difficult to move. Set up in a step up position on a bench with the kettlebells to the inside and outside of the front leg. Slide the shin of the front leg...
03 Apr Knee to Wall Isometrics
HOW: Assume a half kneeling position near a wall with a foam pad or pillow under your planted knee for comfort. Scoot your foot forward or backwards until you find the distance that will keep your knee just shy of touching the wall when...
08 Dec Single Leg Anterior to Posterior Squat – Squat Rack
HOW: Begin by standing at a squat rack or a doorway. Use upper body assistance while driving the knee closest to the squat rack into the squat rack. Assume a single leg squat position in a quarter or half squat position keeping pressure from...
08 Dec Anti-Pronation – Band Around Hips
HOW: Begin in standing position facing an anchored band or cable. Take the cable and wrap it around your hips as shown holding the handle of the cable with the hand opposite of the working leg.. Assume a single-leg position with the working leg...
08 Dec Bear Plank – Rock Back
HOW: Take an all fours position on your hands and your knees. Hands underneath the shoulders and knees under the hips. Lift the knees off the ground. Pushing through the palms, take the hips towards the heels. Keep the shins parallel to the ground. Once...