08 Dec Half Kneeling Rear Leg Lift Off – Wall
HOW: Take a half kneeling position with the rear leg toes pushing into the ground, ball of the foot pushing into the wall. Rotate the torso over the front leg. Staying stacked tall with the torso, begin by pushing down with the front leg and...
08 Dec Hip Thrust – Cross Connect
HOW: Begin by sitting at a bench, box, or chair. Press the bottom of the shoulder blades into the bench. Lining up the knees at 90 degrees, take the elbow to the opposite knee connecting with a block or ball. Hold this tension and push...
08 Dec Reverse Plank Bridge Isometric
HOW: Start seated with your arms behind you, fingers pointing away from you, and legs out in front of your with your knees bent.Lift your hips up off the ground until you form a straight line between your trunk and legs. Hold for the...
08 Dec Kickstand Fire Hydrant – Feed In, Feed Out
HOW: Assume a standing position at a wall with a band above the knees. Take one foot back to press the heel into the wall, leaving the toes and ball of foot on the floor. Stagger the stance with the opposite leg in a...
08 Dec Table Top Hip Internal Rotation Isometric – Wall
HOW: Begin on your back with your feet on the wall and your knees and hips bent at 90 degrees. Squeeze a ball or foam roller between the thighs if needed to help you maintain the appropriate position. While pushing into the wall, lift...
04 Aug Isometric Supine Hip Adduction – Pelvic Floor Contraction
HOW: Begin by lying on your back. Roll up a towel or use a ball to place in between the knees. You're gonna take a breath in through the belly relaxing the pelvic floor. As we breathe out, squeeze and lift the pelvic floor as...
26 Apr Isometric Single Leg Hamstring Curl – 45 Deg, Machine
HOW: In a seated position in the leg curl machine, get set up with the legs at a 45 deg angle and the pad just below the calf muscles. The other pad will be just above the knee cap, ensuring the leg does not...
26 Apr Isometric Single Leg Knee Extension – Machine
HOW: Get into a seated position in the knee extension machine. Place the pad just above your ankle joint. Make sure that the ankle is below the knee. Anchor and stabilize your upper body and core by grasping the handles. Find a weight that you...
26 Apr Isometric Single Leg Leg Press – Machine
HOW: Find a seated position in the leg press machine. Stabilize the upper body and core by grasping the handles to the side. Bring the leg up to the plate of the leg press. Keep the opposite leg down and stable. Find a weight that...
05 Apr Hip Extension Isometric Push – Barbell
HOW: For this exercise get set up in a hip thrust position with support at your mid back and something to elevate your feet with. You will want a heavy barbell resting at your hips with a weight that you will not be able...