29 May Mid Thigh Isometric Hold – Deadlift, Band
HOW: Place a challenging resistance band on the ground. Stand on the band in the middle of it. Grab the band with both hands, hinge forward at the hips while only slightly bending the knees, keep your back flat, and push your hips out. At...
29 May Farmer Carry March – Band
HOW: Place a challenging resistance band on the ground. Stand on the band in the middle of it. Grab the band with both hands while you stand tall with your shoulder blades back. Perform a march by lifting one knee up at a time...
29 May Bird Dog T – Band
HOW: Get set up in a quadruped position with both hands and knees on the ground. Have your hands straight down from your shoulders with a band anchored underneath your hands. Kick one leg straight out from your hip while keeping your back flat...
29 Apr Bridge – Isometric Heel Raise
HOW: Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent up and your feet flat on the ground. Lift your heels off of the ground while pushing your toes into the ground. From here, continue to push into the ground with your heels floating,...
23 Mar 90/90 Hip Lift Off – Rotating
HOW: Get in a seated position on the ground with one knee straight from your keeping your lower leg pointing in creating a 90 degree angle. Position your other knee out out to the side with your lower leg pointing straight back. From here,...
24 Feb Tempo Squat
HOW: Begin in a standing position. In this example, the tempo relates to the time it takes to lower into a squat, hold the squat, come back up, and the time in between reps. 5-3-1-0 is used for this squat. Five seconds to bend...
24 Feb Tempo Squat – Band
HOW: Loop a band just above your knees in a standing position. In this example, the tempo relates to the time it takes to lower into a squat, hold the squat, come back up, and the time in between reps. 5-3-1-0 is used for...
31 Dec Pause Front Squat – Barbell
HOW: Position a barbell on the front on your shoulders and point your elbows straight out as you hold onto the bar with your palms up. Keep your feet about shoulder width apart. Hinge forward slightly at the hips and bend your knees performing...
31 Dec Pause Deadlift – Barbell
HOW: Find your “power stance”, or the stance you would set up in if you were told to jump as high as you can. This is your starting position. Before you lift he bar all the way up, pause as soon as the bar...
31 Dec Supine Table Top Oblique Activation
HOW: Start by lying on your back. Bend your knees and bring them up towards your chest straight up from your hips. Have your lower legs pointing straight out creating an “L” in your legs. Place one hand on top of the opposite knee....