10 Feb Isometric Copenhagen Plank – On Knee
HOW: Using some sort of elevates surface like a box or bench, place the side you want to target on the box. Place the inside part of your knee on this surface, use something soft for padding if you like. Lift your hips in...
10 Feb Isometric Copenhagen Plank
HOW: Using some sort of elevates surface like a box or bench, place the side you want to target on the box. Place the inside part of your ankle on this surface, use something soft for padding if you like. Lift your hips in...
05 Feb Side Lying Hip Adduction Isometrics
HOW: Lie on your side. Squeeze your thigh and knee first, in particular, the inside part of your thigh. While maintaining the squeeze, slowly lift up your leg. FEEL: You should feel the muscles on the inside part of your thigh working. COMPENSATION: Do...
29 Dec Isometric Shoulder External Rotation – Wall Support
HOW: Start on the inside of a door frame or wall. With your elbow bent at your side to 90 deg, push outwards into the doorway with the back of your hand. You can use a towel to make it more comfortable. Think of...
29 Dec Isometric Shoulder Abduction – Wall Support
HOW: Start on the side of a door frame or wall. With your elbow bent at your side to 90 deg, push UP and outwards into the doorway. Think of lifting your elbow towards the ceiling. Slowly ramp up the amount of “pushing” that...
29 Dec Isometric Shoulder Internal Rotation – Wall Support
HOW: Start on the outside of a door frame or wall. With your elbow bent at your side to 90 deg, put your palm against the doorframe and push inwards into the doorway. Think of rotating your hand inwards towards your belly button, with...
29 Dec Isometric Shoulder Flexion – Wall Support
HOW: Start facing a door frame or wall. With your elbow bent at your side to 90 deg, push forward into the wall. Slowly ramp up the amount of “pushing” that you do, staying just under the point of pain/discomfort and hold that level...
29 Dec Isometric Shoulder Extension – Wall Support
HOW: Start on the outside of a door frame or wall. With your elbow bent at your side to 90 deg, push backwards into the doorframe/wall. Think of driving squeezing your shoulder blades to push backwards. Slowly ramp up the amount of “pushing” that...