05 Apr Thoracic Whip
HOW: Begin this exercise sitting with your legs straddling the back of the chair to help brace your hips and low back. Once in this position, cross your arms across your chest and quickly rotate your body towards one side for the prescribed amount...
05 Apr Seated Marches – Bent Knee
HOW: Begin by sitting on the floor with the knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Get your spine tall and straighten your arms at your side. Lift the front of the foot of both legs. Keeping a right angle at the knee, lift...
05 Apr Prone Hip Extension – Lift Over
HOW: Begin by lying on your stomach with an object such as a weight or a yoga block positioned at the bottom of one shin. Straighten the knee of the leg next to the object. Keeping the knee straight, lift the leg up towards...
05 Apr Prone Hip Extension – Knee Bent
HOW: Begin by lying on your stomach. Bend the knee of one leg. Keeping the knee bent at a right angle, lift the leg up towards the ceiling. Return the leg to the ground. FEEL: You should feel this in the back of the...
14 Feb Surrender Squat
HOW: To perform this exercise, begin in a tall kneeling position on both knees with your hands behind your head. From here, step up onto one leg by pushing through your front leg and bring the other leg up so you are in a...
13 Feb Raise – GHD
HOW: Begin this exercise with your feet anchored into a GHD and the pads resting comfortably on your thighs. Start in a fully upright position with your glutes engaged as you slowly lower your body down so that you are parallel with the ground...
13 Feb Single Leg Sorenson Hold – GHD
HOW: Begin this exercise laying face down with your feet anchored onto the GHD with the pads of the GHD on your upper thigh. From this position, remove one leg from being anchored on the GHD and assume a plank position keeping your body...
11 Feb Sit Up To Parallel – GHD
HOW: Begin seated on the GHD with your feet firmly anchored on the piece of equipment. From here, engage your core as you lean back, hinging at the hips until your body is parallel with the floor. From this position, use your core and...
11 Feb Back Extension – GHD
HOW: Begin laying face down on the GHD with both feet anchored onto the piece of equipment. Starting in the plank position, begin by curling your neck and mid back down towards the ceiling followed by the low back. Return to the starting position...
11 Feb Single Leg Hip Extension – GHD
HOW: Begin laying face down on the GHD with one leg anchored on the equipment and the pads resting comfortably on your upper thighs. From here, bring one leg out from being anchored on the piece of equipment. Hinge forward at the hips bringing...