HOW: Begin by standing near a wall. Assume a march position to stabilize an object such as a swissball using the knee of the leg that is in the march position closest to the wall. Abduct or push the thigh out into the object....

HOW: Anchor a band at ankle height. Attach the band around the arch of your foot. Begin by balancing on one leg with the option to use a wall or an object for upper body support.  Keeping tension in the hips and the torso, bring...

HOW: Anchor a band at or above head height. Grabbing onto the band, pull it towards you as you assume a face up lying position on the floor. Anchor the band around your ankle. Use the other leg to help push the resisted side towards...

HOW: Begin by sitting on a Swiss ball with your feet anchoring a light resistance band. Pulling the shoulder blades down and back, lift the band overhead making a “Y” type of motion with your arms Maintain thumbs up to the ceiling position. Slowly return...

HOW: Begin in a half-kneeling position. There should be a 90 degree bend in both the front and back knee. Option to use the arms to the side for added balance. With a light weight shift to the back leg, lift the knee of the...

HOW: Begin in a half-kneeling position. There should be a 90 degree bend in both the front and back knee. Option to use the arms to the side for added balance. With a light weight shift to the front leg, lift the foot of the...

HOW: Begin this exercise seated on the edge of a chair. The leg that you intend to work needs to be straight with your heel resting on either a surface that slides or a tile surface with a towel or sock on your foot....
