13 Sep Handstand Push-Up – Paralletes
HOW: Start with the paralletes bar up against a wall and push up into a handstand position so that your heels are on the wall behind you. Once stable, lower down by bending your elbows until your head touches the ground gently. From this position,...
13 Sep Handstand Push- Up – Strict, Deficit
HOW: Begin with two plates on the ground up against a wall to perform the exercise in a deficit position. Start with your hands on the plates and push up into a handstand position with your heels against the wall. Slowly lower yourself down by...
13 Sep Handstand Push-Up – Kipping
HOW:Start with your hands on the ground facing a wall and push up into a handstand position with your heels against the wall. Once stable, lower down by bending your elbows until your head gently taps the ground and then use your hips to drive...
13 Sep Handstand Push- Up – Wall Facing
HOW: Begin in a push-up position with your feet up against a wall. Push your hips up into the air as you walk your feet up the wall behind you and walk your hands closer to the wall in a controlled manner. Walk your body...
13 Sep Handstand Push-Up Asymmetrical
HOW: Begin with one hand on the ground and one hand elevated on a plate/small elevated elevated surface with a wall in front of you. Push yourself up into a handstand position with your heels on the wall behind you. From this position, lower yourself...
13 Sep Handstand Wall Walk
HOW: Start with the bottom of your feet up against a wall with your chest and hips resting on the ground and your elbows bent. From this position, you are going to push the ground away from you as you walk your feet up the...
07 May Standing Scapular Punch – Swissball, Wall Supported
HOW: Stand facing a wall with one hand on a swissball on the wall. Your hand should be straight out from your shoulder on the ball. Push into the ball while keeping your elbow straight. FEEL: You should feel your shoulder blade muscles working. ...
07 May Eccentric Squat – Wall Supported, Swissball
HOW: Place a swissball on a wall and position the middle or small of your back on the ball. Lean into the ball while keeping your chest up. Walk your feet out and have them about shoulder width. From here, sit down like you're...
24 Feb Pogos – Wall Support
HOW: Keeping your hands on the wall for balance, hop on both legs. Don’t allow your knee to collapse in, most of the motion should be coming from your ankles. Think of yourself as a rubber band or a spring loaded coil. Be bouncy! FEEL: You...
16 Feb Standing Psoas March – Knees Bent, Band, Alternating
HOW: Start by looping a band around the middle of your feet. In a standing position, lean into a wall with both hands. Slightly bend both of your knees and bring one knee up towards the wall, slowly, while keeping the other knee bent...