HOW: Get set-up with your back against a wall with your feet about a foot away from the wall. Lower your hips down against the wall until your thighs are parallel to the ground, lift one foot off the ground and then lift your...

HOW: Place your hand behind your back as high up as you feel comfortable. Ideally you will be able to reach the opposite shoulder blade. Once you find this point, stand up tall while pulling your shoulder blades together. This will help stretch the...

HOW: Place your hands against the wall at about shoulder height, then crawl up with your hand as high as you feel comfortable. Now lean your body into your arm by bringing your hips away from the wall. This will be a body on...

HOW: Place your hands against the wall at about shoulder height. Hinge at your hips and bring your body forward, this will be a body on arm movement which will increase the amount of shoulder elevation you are working into. Be gentle and move...
