HOW: Stand facing a wall and place both hands on the wall at shoulder height. Lean into the wall by gentle letting your stomach muscles relax. Try to bring your belly button to the wall in front of you slowly. Keep your elbows straight...

HOW: Stand next to a wall with the leg you want to work closest to the wall. Push the side of your leg into the wall without moving your leg. Use the opposite leg and core muscles to stay upright. Hold that contraction for...

HOW: Begin in a kneeling position next to a wall. The knee that is up should be closest to the wall. Placing your elbow on the wall with your arm bent is the correct distance you should be from the wall. From here, extend...

HOW: Lean against a wall with your back flat against it and your feet out in front of you. Slightly bend your knees and sit into a small squat on the wall. From here, lift your toes up as high as you can. Do...

HOW: Place your foot up against the wall as high as you feel comfortable with your heel on the ground. Drive your knee towards the wall feeling a stretch in the calf and foot. Hold that stretch for as long as prescribed.    FEEL: You...

HOW: Stand facing a wall with your hands straight out from your shoulders, palms on the wall with a band looped around your wrist. Squeeze your shoulder blades and create some tension in the band by moving your wrist out. From here, keep one...
