18 Jun Shoulder Flexion Wall walk
HOW: Begin facing a wall with your finger tips resting on the wall in front of you. Slowly walk your fingertips up the wall as your arm goes into forward flexion. Once you reach the top of the motion, slowly walk your fingers back to...
18 Jun Shoulder Abduction Wall Walk
HOW: Begin facing perpendicular to the wall with your finger tips resting on the wall. From this position, slowly walk your fingers up the wall as your arm goes into abduction. Once you reach the top of the motion, slowly walk your fingers back down...
18 Jun Prone Shoulder Extension- AAROM, Dowel
HOW: Begin laying on your stomach holding a dowel with both hands and palms facing down. From this position, lift the dowel up off your hips initiating the movement by thinking about pulling apart the dowel to further assist with shoulder extension. FEEL: You should...
12 Mar Standing Row – Landmine, Meadow
HOW: Stand at the end of a barbell in a staggered stance with the leg closest to the weight back and your opposite leg forward. Have your feet about shoulder width apart. The barbell should be centered in between your legs. From here, hinge forward...
27 Jan Child’s Pose – Y’s
HOW: Get set up on the ground sitting back on your heels. Move into the child’s pose position by extending your arms straight up overhead as you sit back on your heels elongating your back as much as you can. From here, raise one arm...
23 Dec Standing Single Arm Row – Rotation, Band
HOW: Anchor a resistance band at a lower position closer to the floor. Face the anchor and grab onto the band with one hand. Slightly bend your knees and hinge forward at the hips. Have enough tension on the band for it to pull your...
20 Sep Quadruped Pec Stretch – Swiss Ball
HOW: Kneel down on the ground next to a swissball. Get into the quadruped position with your knees on the ground under the hips, and your hands on the ground under your shoulders. Place one arm up in a diagonal direction on top of...
20 Sep Quadruped Shoulder Ys – Band
HOW: Position yourself in the quadruped position with your knees under the hips and hands on the ground under your shoulders. Place a band under one knee and grab the other end of the band with the opposite hand. From here, keep your back...
20 Sep Side Plank – Feet Apart
HOW: Get set up by lining up your body properly first! Lie on your side, place your elbow and forearm on the ground directly underneath your shoulder. Place your top leg’s foot in front of your bottom leg’s foot. Align your bottom leg’s foot/ankle...
04 Jun Tall Plank Lat Pull Down
HOW: Anchor a band to a wall or strong item in a low position. Grab onto the band with one hand. Get into a tall plank position with your hands on the ground and elbows locked out underneath your shoulders. While having the opposite...