HOW: While standing, place the band around your wrist with your palms up facing the ceiling. Squeeze your shoulder blades back and create tension in the band by moving your arms out. Keep the tension in the band as you move your arms forwards...

HOW: Follow instructions on video on how to place the band. Slightly bent over while standing, bring your elbows in and up. Your palms should be grasping the band and positioned on the side of your head. Bring both elbows forward while rotating slightly...

HOW: Anchor the resistance band on the involved side by stepping on the band to desired length. The more slack the easier it will be. Hold the other side with your hand. Wrap around your palm one time for a better grip. Starting position...

HOW: Hold a dumbbell with each hand with your thumbs facing forward. Raise your arms in the scaption plane (not to the side or directly in front of you - but in between). Slowly return to starting position. When raising your arm, think about...

HOW: Start in a long sitting position with a band wrapped under your feet, hold the band in each hand. Begin the exercise by keeping your torso upright and long, then while keeping the rest of your body still, perform a low row motion....

HOW: Start in a long sitting position with a band wrapped under your feet, hold the band in each hand. Begin the exercise by keeping your torso upright and long, then while keeping the rest of your body still, perform a face pull motion...

HOW: Stand on a band to anchor it from one end. Hold on to both ends of the band with your hands, then raise your arms in the scaption plane (not to the side or directly in front of you - but in between)....

HOW: Begin by holding a resistance band in both hands. Spread the band so that your hands are slightly wider than shoulder width. Rotate your arms all the way around - this mean elevate your arms overhead and then back so that the band...

HOW: Begin this exercise on your hands and knees. Drop your hips until your knees, hips, and shoulder are in a straight line. Stay strong in the scapula by pushing your body away from the floor. In a slow and controlled manner tap each...

HOW:  Begin in a single arm high plank position keeping your body in line (feet up to shoulders). From a high plank position, push yourself into a downward facing down, push the shoulder blade away from you as you move into this position. Return...
