27 Aug Supine Shoulder Flexion – PROM, Dowel
HOW: Begin laying face up with a stick or a dowel in both hands. Initiate the motion with the non-affected arm, bring both arms overhead as high as you can tolerate. Keep the surgical shoulder as relaxed as possible. FEEL: You may feel the...
27 Aug Supine Shoulder External Rotation – PROM, Dowel
HOW: Lay face up with a towel under your arm to keep the shoulder slightly elevated. Using a dowel or stick, use assistance with your opposite hand to rotate your arm outward until the desired stretch it met. You can hold at the end...
27 Aug Supine Shoulder Flexion to 90 – PROM, Dowel
HOW: Begin laying face up with a stick or a dowel in both hands. Initiate the motion with the non-affected arm, bring both arms up to 90 degrees, this is when your arm is straight up and down. Keep the surgical shoulder as relaxed...
27 Aug Hand Behind Back Stretch
HOW: Place your hand behind your back as high up as you feel comfortable. Ideally, you will be able to reach the opposite shoulder blade. You can use the assistance of your opposite arm to. As you feel more comfortable you will be able...
27 Aug Supine Shoulder Internal Rotation – PROM, Dowel
HOW: Lay face up with a towel under your arm to keep the shoulder slightly elevated. Using a dowel or stick, use assistance with your opposite hand to rotate your arm outward until your forearm is perpendicular to the floor. FEEL: You will feel...
27 Aug Single Arm Push Up Plus – Elevated
HOW: Find an elevated surface to one arm on. In a high plank position keeping your body in line (feet up to shoulders). Allow the scapula to sag then push the scapula away from you pushing your chest away from the floor. Return back...
20 Aug Side Plank
HOW: Begin the exercise by laying on your side, the side closest to the ground will be doing most of the work. Lift up into a full side plank with your feet stacked or one foot in front of the other, keeping your body...
03 Aug Single Arm Tall Plank – Swissball
HOW: Start by assuming the tall plank position with both hands on the ball. Then slowly slide one hand into the middle of the swissball and gentle take away your other hand. Really drive the palm of your hands into the swissball in an...
03 Aug Sideplank – Swissball
HOW: Assume a sideplank position on a swissball. Dig your elbow into the middle of the swissball for the most stability. Stay strong through the shoulder and do not let it collapse. It will help to keep both of your feet on the ground...
03 Aug Shoulder Is – Swissball
HOW: Start with your chest against the swissball with your knees on the ground. You can also place your toes on the ground as well if you would like. With your thumbs down, reach your arms behind you in the shape of an “I”....