20 Sep Quadruped Shoulder Ys – Band
HOW: Position yourself in the quadruped position with your knees under the hips and hands on the ground under your shoulders. Place a band under one knee and grab the other end of the band with the opposite hand. From here, keep your back...
29 May Tricep Kick Back – Band
HOW: Position yourself on your hands and knees in the quadruped position. Have your hands straight down from your shoulders and your knees down from your hips. Anchor a resistance band with one hand and grab onto it with the other. Lock in your...
29 May Squat Pulse – Heels Elevated, Band Around Knees
HOW: Loop a band around your knees. Put something on the ground that you can elevate your heel slightly above your toes. Bend your knees hinging forward at the hips while spreading the band slightly still keeping your feet stable. Once you are as...
29 May Squat – Heels Elevated, Band Around Knees
HOW: Loop a band around your knees. Put something on the ground that you can elevate your heel slightly above your toes. Bend your knees hinging forward at the hips while spreading the band slightly still keeping your feet stable. Once you are as...
29 May Skull Crusher – Band
HOW: Lie on your back a band looped around the top of your back holding onto it with both hands. Bend your knees up with your feet flat on the ground. Bring your elbows up high straight out from your shoulders holding the band...
29 May Single Leg Hip Thrust Pulse
HOW: Place your upper back onto an elevated surface, preferably a bench. Keep your feet flat on the ground with your knees bent and hips down to start with. Bring one knee slightly up towards your chest lifting your foot off of the ground....
29 May Side Plank Pec Fly To Chest Press – Band
HOW: Anchor a band to a lower position. Face away from it and get into the side plank position by placing your elbow on the ground directly below your shoulder. Have your hips, knees, and feet all in line with your hips in the...
29 May Side Plank Pec Fly – Band
HOW: Anchor a band to a lower position. Face away from it and get into the side plank position by placing your elbow on the ground directly below your shoulder. Have your hips, knees, and feet all in line with your hips in the...
07 May Standing Weighted Shoulder Alphabet
HOW: Grab onto a weight of some sort. Raise the weight straight up and stop at shoulder height. From here, draw the alphabet out in capital or lowercase letters all the way to Z. FEEL: You should feel your shoulder muscles working. COMPENSATION: Only...
07 May Seated Trunk Flexion – Chair
HOW: Start by getting comfortably seated in a chair. With your arms at your side, slowly bend your back forwards letting your arms come to the ground in front of you. Pause for a few seconds, then slowly come up to the starting position....