24 Jun Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat – Isometric
HOW: Grab a bench or any elevated surface. Taking two steps away from the bench, set up in a split stance position facing away from the bench. Elevate the rear leg foot onto the bench, getting the contact point where the ankle hinges. Keeping the...
21 Jun Single leg Wall sit – heel elevated
HOW: Use a slantboard, weight plate, or any other sturdy object to prop your heel up. Place it against a wall to ensure contact between your back and the wall. Place one leg out and slide down into a wall sit. The further you...
21 Jun Single Leg Step Down – Isometric Squat Rack, Weight Behind Back
HOW: Stand on a sturdy 2-6” box//platform pushed up against a squat rack. Hold a kettlebell behind your back as it will help cue an upright trunk position. Hold one leg out and in front of you with the heel floating in a half-squat...
02 Nov Single Leg Bridge – Abductor Bias
HOW: Anchor the Kayezen Vector below knee height. Put the leg farthest away from the anchor through the strap. With the spine flat into the ground, lift up into a bridge pushing through the leg that the Vector is attached to being sure to not...
30 May Isometric Single Leg Hamstring Pull Down – Band
HOW: Anchor a band at or above head height. Grabbing onto the band, pull it towards you as you assume a face-up lying position on the floor. Anchor the band around your ankle. While keeping that leg straight, use the other leg to help...
10 Mar Single Leg Triple Hop Assessment
This is a great assessment to look at your single leg power and control. Set up a starting line on the ground with an object or piece of tape. You will need to start with your toe behind the line and your hands on your...
10 Mar Single Leg Hop Test For Distance
HOW: Set up a starting line on the ground with an object or piece of tape. You will need to start with your toe behind the line and your hands on your hips. From here, hop forwards with the one foot on the line and...
10 Mar Side Hop Test
HOW: Place two pieces of tape on the ground that are 40cm apart. The goal of this test is to hop side to side with one foot clearing each tape line for 30 seconds. The rep is only counted when the foot clears the tape...
10 Mar Lateral Step Down Assessment
The Lateral Step Down Assessment is a reliable way to test your strength and endurance one leg compared to the other. Set up a step on the ground that is 20cm tall(~8in). Stand on one side of the step with the opposite leg off the...
10 Mar Cross Over Hop Test
This assessment will look at your hoping ability while taking on both forward and side-to-side forces. You will start by laying tape or a tape measure down on the floor with a standardized starting position of 0. You will line the hopping leg up with...