HOW: Grab two kettlebells or weights that are heavy enough that they are difficult to move. Set up in a half kneeling position with the kettlebells to the inside and outside of the front leg. Slide the shin of the front leg forward over the...

HOW: Grab two kettlebells or weights that are heavy enough that they are difficult to move. Set up in a step up position on a bench with the kettlebells to the inside and outside of the front leg. Slide the shin of the front leg...

HOW: Grab a relatively light kettlebell or dumbbell. Begin in a standing position holding the kettlebell between your legs.  As you hinge through the hips, keep your spine and legs stiff. Push your bottom back slowly until you feel a stretch in the hamstrings....

HOW: Grab a kettlebell with a handle large enough to slip your foot into. In a standing position, plant yourself through the standing leg as you lift the kettlebell with your opposite foot, trying to maintain the angle of the foot to keep the...

HOW: Begin in a sidelying position with a dumbbell or kettlebell in hand. Prop yourself up with your elbow underneath your shoulder. Push through the forearm to lift the torso away from the ground. With the arm rotated away from the body,, press the weight...

HOW: Begin in a tabletop positon on your back. Squeeze a ball or foam roller between the thighs to help to maintain appropriate positioning. Press a weight in front of you at chest height. Taking the chin towards the neck for a chin tuck, rotate...

HOW: Anchor the Kayezen Vector below knee height. Put your right arm through the strap and rotate to your left if wanting to work an anti-rotation to your right and vice versa if wanting to work an anti-rotation to your left.The torso strap should...

HOW: Begin in a standing position holding on to a kettlebell in front of you. You're gonna take a breath in through the belly relaxing the pelvic floor. Take the hips behind you. Exhale and squeeze the pelvic floor as you drive the hips forward...

HOW: Begin in a standing position holding a weight comfortably at your chest. As you breathe in, breathe into the belly and the area between the sits bones, letting the pelvic floor relax. Lower your body towards the ground. Drive your knees out during the...
