HOW: Start by laying on your side to cradle a kettlebell and then roll to your back and perform a floor press, position your other arm overhead. To begin the exercise, on the same side you're holding the kettlebell make sure that knee is...

HOW: Start in a standing position holding onto a kettlebell by the outside handles or any object can work as well. While keeping the rest of your body still, begin the exercise by driving your elbows up and out to bring your hands to...

HOW: Start on your hands and knees with a weight or object under your chest below your hands. You want to make sure there is minimal friction between the weight/object and the ground. Begin the exercise by getting into a high plank position. Then...

HOW:  Sit in a chair with your foot comfortably on the ground, be sure to perform this exercise barefoot. To begin the exercise, push through the balls of your foot to raise your heel off the ground. You can use a weight placed on...

HOW: Pick up one foot and balance on the leg that is in contact with the ground. Hinge forward through your hips while holding onto a kettlebell. Once the balance is maintained in this position, slowly shift the kettlebell from one hand to the...

HOW: Pick up one foot and balance on the leg that is in contact with the ground. Focus on standing upright and not letting yourself lean side-to-side. It is ok to let your hip and knee bend a little bit. Once the balance is...

HOW: Pick up one foot and balance on the leg that is in contact with the ground. Hinge forward through your hips while holding onto a kettlebell. Once the balance is maintained in this position, slowly shift the kettlebell from one hand to the...

HOW: Get set-up in a standing position holding a kettlebell upside down. While balancing the kettlebell and keeping your knuckles facing the ceiling and shoulder/shoulder blade strong, perform a pressing motion towards the ceiling. Return to starting position and repeat.   FEEL: You will feel...
