22 Jun Single Leg Squat Catch – Wall, Medicine Ball
HOW: Grab a foam roller and a medicine ball. Set up facing away from the wall with the foam roller placed at the glutes. Take a single leg stance position and with the medicine ball at shoulder height, drop the ball and catch it in...
21 Jun Squat – Kickstand
HOW: Stand in front of a bench and move into a kickstand position with the toes of your kickstand leg resting comfortably on the ground. About 80% of your weight should be on your standing leg that you’re using to squat to the bench....
08 Dec Single Leg Anterior to Posterior Squat – Squat Rack
HOW: Begin by standing at a squat rack or a doorway. Use upper body assistance while driving the knee closest to the squat rack into the squat rack. Assume a single leg squat position in a quarter or half squat position keeping pressure from...
08 Dec Kickstand Fire Hydrant – Feed In, Feed Out
HOW: Assume a standing position at a wall with a band above the knees. Take one foot back to press the heel into the wall, leaving the toes and ball of foot on the floor. Stagger the stance with the opposite leg in a...
01 Nov Squat – Lateral Step
HOW: Anchor the Kayezen Vector below knee height of the leg that is farthest from the anchor. WIth the feet at hip width distance, take a sidestep away from the anchor and drop down into a squat hinging at your hips. Push back up into...
14 Feb Surrender Squat
HOW: To perform this exercise, begin in a tall kneeling position on both knees with your hands behind your head. From here, step up onto one leg by pushing through your front leg and bring the other leg up so you are in a...
18 Aug Jump Squat – TRX
HOW: Begin holding firmly onto the TRX with both hands. From here, bend your knees as you assume a squatting position. Using your arms and the TRX for support, push through your legs as you perform a jumping motion. FEEL: You should feel the muscles...
23 Dec Air Squat – Band
HOW: In a standing position, loop a band around your legs right above the knees. Have your feet about shoulder width apart. Slightly push out against the band as you bend your knees, hinge at the hips, and squat down. Push into the ground and...
29 May Squat Pulse – Heels Elevated, Band Around Knees
HOW: Loop a band around your knees. Put something on the ground that you can elevate your heel slightly above your toes. Bend your knees hinging forward at the hips while spreading the band slightly still keeping your feet stable. Once you are as...
29 May Squat – Heels Elevated, Band Around Knees
HOW: Loop a band around your knees. Put something on the ground that you can elevate your heel slightly above your toes. Bend your knees hinging forward at the hips while spreading the band slightly still keeping your feet stable. Once you are as...