07 May Eccentric Squat – Wall Supported, Swissball
HOW: Place a swissball on a wall and position the middle or small of your back on the ball. Lean into the ball while keeping your chest up. Walk your feet out and have them about shoulder width. From here, sit down like you're...
07 May Air Squat
HOW: Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Keep both feet entirely on the ground throughout the movement. Place your hands in front of you about shoulder height to help counterbalance your weight. Hinge forward at the hips, and bend your knees as you...
29 Apr Demands Of Different Squat Variations
Follow along to learn all of the different squat variations....
24 Feb Tempo Squat
HOW: Begin in a standing position. In this example, the tempo relates to the time it takes to lower into a squat, hold the squat, come back up, and the time in between reps. 5-3-1-0 is used for this squat. Five seconds to bend...
24 Feb Tempo Squat – Band
HOW: Loop a band just above your knees in a standing position. In this example, the tempo relates to the time it takes to lower into a squat, hold the squat, come back up, and the time in between reps. 5-3-1-0 is used for...
16 Feb Single Leg Squat Pallof
HOW: Start out anchoring a band and holding the opposite end with both arms and have some tension on it. Shift your weight to the leg leg closest to the anchor. Engage your core and do not let the band pull you in as...
31 Dec Pause Front Squat – Barbell
HOW: Position a barbell on the front on your shoulders and point your elbows straight out as you hold onto the bar with your palms up. Keep your feet about shoulder width apart. Hinge forward slightly at the hips and bend your knees performing...
31 Dec Zombie Front Squat – Barbell
HOW: Begin by standing behind a barbell that is racked in a position that is straight out from your collarbone. As you come up to the bar, grab it with both hands about shoulder width apart. The bar should be comfortably sitting on the...
31 Dec Pause Back Squat – Barbell
HOW: Position a barbell on top of your trap muscles with a firm grip on both sides. Keep your feet about shoulder width apart. Hinge forward slightly at the hips and bend your knees performing a back squat. Once you squat down as comfortably...
10 Dec Squat Jumps
HOW: Start a squat position with your knees bent and hips slightly hinged forward. Push into the ground and jump as high as you can creating the triple extension of your feet, knees, and hips. As you land go in directly into the squat...