HOW: Place your back against a wall then slide down into a wall squat. Shift your weight onto one side and lift the opposite leg off the floor. Have a partner pull a band wrapped around your knee. The stronger the band and the...

HOW: Get set-up with your back supported against a wall and your feet about a foot away from the wall, feet shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself down towards the ground until ideally your thighs are parallel to the ground, your knees should be positioned over...

HOW: Get set-up with your back supported against a wall and your feet about a foot away from the wall, feet shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself down towards the ground until ideally, your thighs are parallel to the ground, your knees should be positioned over...

HOW: Get set-up holding a dumbbell in each hand followed by assuming a split stance position. The leg in front will be the side performing most of the work. Once set-up in a split stance position, lower yourself down towards the ground allowing both...

HOW: Follow this foolproof guide to wake your quad back up! Laying on the ground or on a table with your knee straight and foot supported, attempt to push your knee down and lift your heel off the ground by squeezing your quadriceps muscle...

HOW: Get a kettlebell in a front rack position on the side you want to lunge towards. Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart holding the weight, then take a large step towards the side you're holding the weight. Allow your...

HOW: Hold a kettlebell by the bell or the handles and keep it close to your chest as best as you can. Keep your shoulders lined up over your knees and ankles. Perform a squat while maintaining good form throughout your upper and lower...

HOW: Get a band set-up above and around your knees. Hold a kettlebell by the bell or the handles and keep it close to your chest as best as you can. Keep your shoulders lined up over your knees and ankles. Perform a squat...

HOW: You are going to be moving side-to-side in this exercise. Step to the side into a lateral lunge to the left. Drive your left leg into the ground and push yourself back up. Immediately go into a curtsey lunge with your left reaching...

HOW: Start first by squeezing your entire thigh, trying to fully straighten your knee, hold this position. Then either start on your back and lift your leg up in the air; lie on the opposite side of the leg and lift your leg up...
