03 Jul Squat – BOSU Ball
HOW: Place a BOSU ball on the ground with the ball side down. If you need to, hold onto a wall or squat rack for support as you step onto the ball. Make sure your feet are as wide as you can comfortably go...
03 Jul Split Stance Snap Down
HOW: Begin in a standing position with one foot’s toes aligned with the other foot/s heels in a split stance position. Raise both hands overhead and push into the ground all the way raising your heels all the way up. From here, throw your...
03 Jul Curtsey Lunge – Push Off
HOW: In a standing position, shift most of your weight to one leg and bend that knee as you bring the other leg behind you in a diagonal motion. Once you can not reach behind you anymore, push into the ground with the bent...
02 Jul Slider Lunge – Anterior, Lateral, Posterior
HOW: Begin in a standing position with a slider underneath one foot. Shift most of your weight to the leg without the slider. Perform a small squat by bending your knee and hinging forward at the hips while you slide your foot forwards, laterally,...
02 Jul Slider Lunge – Anterior, Lateral, Posterior, Curtsey
HOW: Begin in a standing position with a slider underneath one foot. Shift most of your weight to the leg without the slider. Perform a small squat by bending your knee and hinging forward at the hips while you slide your foot forwards, laterally,...
02 Jul Half Kneeling Quadriceps Stretch – Dynamic, Strap
HOW: Place a pad on the ground. Kneel on the pad with one knee and place the other foot flat on the ground with your knee bent in front of you. Wrap a band or strap around the foot that is behind you. Grab...
02 Jul Ladder – Lateral Jump
HOW: Stand on one end with both feet inside a block. While moving laterally through each block, keep your feet together and hop to each block. FEEL: You should feel the muscles in your legs working. COMPENSATION: Stay on the balls of your feet...
26 Jun Mini Squat – Wall Supported
HOW: Stand with a wall in front of you and your feet shoulder-width apart. Place both hands on the wall for support. Slightly lean into the wall as you bend both knees and hinge forward at the hips to perform a mini squat. Only...
26 Jun Squat – Heels Elevated
HOW: Place two weight plates on the ground. Place your heels on the edge of each plate. From this position, perform a squat by bending at the knees and hinging forward at the hips. Push back up into the starting position and repeat. FEEL:...
26 Jun Posterior Step Down To Single Leg Balance
HOW: Stand on top of an elevated surface. Shift your weight to one leg and bend the other knee up. Begin to bend the knee you are standing on and hinge forward at the hips as you straighten your other leg directly behind the...