14 May 4 Most Undervalued Exercises
The 4 exercises in this video include: 1. Banded Face pull 2. Split Squat Inverted Kettlebell Press 3. Copenhagen Plank On Elevated Surface With Trunk Rotation 4. Modified Side Plank With Clam ...
09 May Dolphin Push Up Plus
HOW: Begin on your forearms with your elbows straight down from your shoulders. Bring your feet together, straighten your legs, and stick your hips up into the air. Try to keep most of your weight on your shoulders, not in your foot.From this position,...
09 May Plank Oblique Crunch – Swissball
HOW:Place the front of your lower legs on top of the swissball. Place your hands down on the ground with your elbows extended. Push down into the swissball with your lower legs/ankles bringing your hips up into the plank position. Make sure you are...
09 May Plank Pike – Swissball
HOW: Place the front of your lower legs on top of the swissball. Place your hands down on the ground with your elbows extended. Push down into the swissball with your lower legs/ankles bringing your hips up into the plank position. Make sure you...
09 May Plank Crunch – Swissball
HOW: Place the front of your lower legs on top of the swissball. Place your hands down on the ground with your elbows extended. Push down into the swissball with your lower legs/ankles bringing your hips up into the plank position. Make sure you...
09 May Sidelying Hip Abduction – Extra Range
HOW: Using a weight bench, place your elbow on the bench directly below your shoulder. Bend your knee and place it on the bench. Lift your hips up in the air to form a side plank position, then straighten out the top leg. Engage...
20 Apr Single Leg Reverse Plank
HOW: While sitting up, place your hands slightly behind you at your side. Bend one knee up and place your foot flat on the ground. Straighten the other leg out. Using your heel, push down into the ground lifting your hips up while keeping...
05 Apr Push Up – Band Assist
HOW: Place a resistance band above the rig. The thicker the resistance band, the more support you will have. Put your body through the band. Start on your hands and your feet, have your hands positioned under your shoulders. To begin the exercise, assume a...
03 Apr Kettlebell Pull Through
HOW: Begin this exercise in a high plank position with a kettlebell underneath your chest. Shift your weight onto one side then grab the weight/object with the opposite hand, slide it in the direction of that arm as far as you feel comfortable with. Then...
03 Apr Push Up – Bosu
HOW: Start on your hands and feet, have your hands positioned under your shoulders hold onto the edge of a bosu ball. To begin the exercise, assume a high plank position while keeping your body straight lower your chest down towards the ground as...