HOW: Begin standing with one foot flat in front of you and the other behind you with your toes pushing into the ground. Bend both knees and shift most of your weight to the front leg. Push back into the ground and return to...

HOW: Stand tall with a kettlebell in one hand. Perform a hip hinge by bending forward at the hips and slightly bending your knees allowing the weight to hang down in front of you. Use your hips and glutes to swing the weight up...

HOW: Begin by lying on your back with a swissball underneath your feet/lower legs. Lift one leg off of the ball and push into the ball with your other leg on the ball lifting your hips up off of the ground. From here, continue...

HOW: Begin by lying on your back with a swissball underneath your feet/lower legs. Push into the ball with your feet lifting your hips up off of the ground. From here, continue to push into the ball as you roll it back towards your...

HOW: Begin on the ground on your hands and knees. Keep one knee under your hip and kick one leg out straight to the side with your toes pointed up. Use your hands to push into the ground and slightly move your body back...

HOW: Begin in a standing position with one foot on top of an elevated surface. Keep your knee straight and your foot relaxed pointed mostly down. Pretend you have a tail, try to tuck your tail behind you causing your hips to tilt forward...

HOW: Begin in a kneeling position. Keeping your back straight, hinge forward at the hips as you kick one leg straight back from your hip.    FEEL: You should feel your core, hamstring, and low back muscles working.    COMPENSATION: Keep your back flat, don’t curve...
