06 Oct Supine Hamstring Stretch – Strap
HOW: Use a stretch strap, bath towel, or bed sheet. Wrap it around the arch of your foot, then lay down on your back in a relaxed and comfortable position. Keeping your leg completely relaxed, use your arms to pull the strap. FEEL: You...
20 Aug Hamstring Curl – Hips Down, Slider
HOW: Begin lying flat on your back with something under your heels to allow your feet to slide back and forth. Start the exercise by digging your heels into the ground and sliding your feet towards your butt. Bend your knees as far as...
20 Aug Hamstring Curl to Bridge – Hips Down, Slider
HOW: Begin lying flat on your back with something under your heels to allow your feet to slide back and forth. Start the exercise by digging your heels into the ground and sliding your feet towards your butt. Bend your knees as far as...
20 Aug Single Leg Hip Hinge – Dowel
HOW: Begin in a standing position with your feet about hip-width apart. Place a dowel behind your back with one end making contact with your head and on your tailbone with the other end, the middle of the dowel should also be in contact...
09 Aug Nordic Hamstring Curl
HOW: Get set-up in a tall kneeling position with something under your knees for comfort and with a partner or weight holding your ankles down. While keeping your core tight and trunk straight, perform the exercise by leaning forward as far as you can...
09 Aug Half Kneeling Hip Flexor And Hamstrings Stretch – Dynamic
HOW: Get set-up in a half-kneeling position with something under your knee for comfort. Tuck your tailbone, keep your low back flat and chest up, and shift your weight forward to get a stretch on the hip flexor. Then straighten your other knee, hinge...
09 Aug Nordic Hamstring Curl – Assisted
HOW: Get set-up in a tall kneeling position with something under your knees for comfort and with a partner or weight holding your ankles down. Have a band around your torso that is anchored behind you with tension on it for assistance with the...
31 Jul Single Leg Hip Thrust
HOW: Begin with your mid-back against a bench or elevated surface. Bring one knee up towards your chest. While keeping your chin tucked, thrust your hips towards the ceiling. Focus on driving into the floor with your heel and tuck your tailbone (AKA posteriorly...
31 Jul Hip Thrust – Band Around Knees
HOW: Begin with your mid-back against a bench or elevated surface with your feet hip width apart. Place a resistance band just above your knees. While keeping your chin tucked, thrust your hips towards the ceiling. Focus on driving into the floor with your...
31 Jul Single Leg Hip Thrust – Band Around Knees
HOW: Begin with your mid-back against a bench or elevated surface with your feet hip-width apart. Place a resistance band just above your knees. Bring one knee up towards your chest to tension the resistance band. The elevated leg should be not only driving...