16 Jul Prone Hamstring Curl
HOW: Start by lying on your back. Keeping your core engaged, slowly lift only one leg away from the floor by bending your knee and bringing your heel towards your hips. The closer you get towards your hips, the harder the exercise will be. ...
16 Jul Prone Hamstring Curl – Block
HOW: Start by lying on your back with a yoga block or some other firm object in between your feet. Keeping your core engaged, squeeze the block between your feet. Now while maintaining that squeeze on the block, slowly curl your knees towards your...
16 Jul Prone Hamstring Curl – Band
HOW: Start by lying on your stomach with a band between your ankles. Keeping your core engaged, slowly lift only one leg away from the floor by bending your knee and bringing your heel towards your hips. The closer you get towards your butt,...
16 Jul Prone Hamstring Curl Isometrics – Band
HOW: Start by lying on your back with a band between your ankles. Keeping your core engaged, slowly lift both legs away from the floor by bending your knee and bringing your heel towards your hips. If you want to target the left hamstrings...
01 Jul Hamstring Extender
HOW: Get set-up laying flat on your back. On the side, you want to focus on, bring the knee towards your chest as close as you can get it, then keep it there holding it with your hands behind your knee. While maintaining this...
01 Jul Hamstring Curl – Foam Roller
HOW: Get set-up laying flat on your back with your heels on a foam roller. Begin the exercise by bridging up to lift your hips up into the air. While keeping your hips as high as you can the entire time, bend your knees...
01 Jul Eccentric Hamstring Curl – Foam Roller
HOW: Get set-up laying flat on your back with your heels on a foam roller. Begin the exercise by flexing your knees and bringing your feet back towards your butt. While keeping your feet still, bridge up and lift your hips off the ground,...
01 Jul Single Leg Hamstring Bridge
HOW: Get set-up flat on your back with one foot supported on an elevated surface with the knee bent, the other leg is unsupported in the air. While maintaining a flat low back, push into the elevated surface to bridge up and lift your...
01 Jul Single Leg Hamstring Bridge – Knee Straight
HOW: Get set-up flat on your back with one foot supported on an elevated surface with the knee straight, the other leg is unsupported in the air. While maintaining a flat low back, push into the elevated surface to bridge up and lift your...
01 Jul Single Supine Leg Heel Dig – 90 deg
HOW: Get set-up laying flat on your back with your legs straight. On the side you plan to perform the exercise, bend your knee to a position that feels comfortable and that you can dig your heel into the ground without it moving, a...