30 Jan Quadruped Wrist Flexion & Extension – PROM
HOW: Get set up on your hands and knees with your fingers facing forward. While staying strong through your shoulder blades, arms, your wrist, and your fingers, slowly shift your weight forward so that your shoulders move over your wrists then shift back and...
30 Jan Quadruped Wrist Circles
HOW: Get set up on your hands and knees with your fingers facing forward. While staying strong through your shoulder blades, arms, your wrist, and your fingers, slowly shift your weight in a clockwise and/or counter-clockwise fashion so that your shoulders draw a circle...
30 Jan Quadruped Lateral Weight Shift – Wrist Extension
HOW: Get set up on your hands and knees with your hands and fingers rotated in facing each other. While staying strong through your shoulder blades, arms, your wrist, and your fingers, slowly shift your weight laterally so that your shoulders move over each...
30 Jan Quadruped Forward Weight Shift – On Fist
HOW: Get set up on your knuckles while making a fist with the thumb-side of your hand facing forward and also supported on your knees and toes. While staying strong through your shoulder blades, arms, your wrists, slowly shift your weight forward so that...
30 Jan Bear Wrist Flexion & Extension – PROM
HOW: Get set up in a bear position on your hands and toes with your knees hovering off the ground and with your fingers facing forward. While staying strong through your shoulder blades, arms, your wrist, and your fingers, slowly shift your weight forward...
30 Jan Bear Body On Wrist Circles
HOW: Get set up in a bear position on your hands and toes with your knees hovering off the ground and with your fingers facing forward. While staying strong through your shoulder blades, arms, your wrist, and your fingers, slowly shift your weight in...
30 Dec Hook Lying Single Arm Serratus Scoop – Band
HOW: Get set up in a hook lying position as shown in the video with a band around your back under your arms, then crisscross the band in front of you and hold the ends of the band in each hand. While keeping your...
11 Dec Overhead Squat – TRX
HOW: Get set up with suspension trainer handles positioned overhead. Perform an overhead squat while keeping your arms positioned overhead with your elbows straight and arms in line with your ears. Return to starting position and repeat. If you're having trouble keeping your body...
11 Dec Prone Thoracic Extension – Hands Behind Head
HOW: Get set up on your stomach with your hands positioned behind your head or fingertips to your ears, elbows up to shoulder height. Begin the exercise by squeezing your shoulder blades back together, lifting your elbows up off the ground towards the ceiling....
11 Dec Incline Push Up
HOW: Get set up in a tall plank position with your hands on an elevated surface. Perform an incline push up with optimal form and arms roughly at a 45° angle from your body. Lower yourself down until your upper arms are parallel to...