01 Nov Single Leg Balance – Anti Rotation
HOW: Anchor the Kayezen Vector below knee height. Put your right arm through the strap and rotate to your left to work on anti-rotation to your right and vice versa for anti-rotation to your left. The torso strap should come around your body around...
01 Nov single leg RDL – Anti Rotation
HOW: Anchor the Kayezen Vector below knee height. Put your right arm through and rotate to your left if wanting to work anti-rotation to your right and vice versa if wanting to work anti-rotation to your left.The torso strap should come around your body...
31 May Tandem Walking
HOW: Line up the heel of one foot to the toe of the opposite foot. Take steps forward, getting heel-to-toe contact with each subsequent step. This is to challenge a more narrow base of support, dynamically. Options to move forward and backward. Repeat for...
25 Jan Tandem Balance – Eyes Closed
HOW: Start in a standing position. Place one foot’s heel in front of the other foot’s toes. Put your hands on your hips and get to a balanced feeling. Close your eyes and try to maintain that position for as long as prescribed. FEEL: You should...
23 Dec Curtsey Step Down To Single Leg Balance
HOW: Place a step on the ground. While standing on the step, step down with one leg crossing behind the leg on the step in a diagonal motion. Reach in that diagonal plane for as far as you can reach while maintaining the other leg...
27 Oct Single Leg Pallof Press – Outside Leg
HOW: Attach a resistance band to something at about waist height. Have the attachment of the band at one side and grab onto it with both hands. Shift all of your weight to the outside leg. Lift up and bend the inside knee and keep...
27 Oct Single Leg Pallof Press – Inside Leg
HOW: Attach a resistance band to something at about waist height. Have the attachment of the band at one side and grab onto it with both hands. Shift all of your weight to the inside leg. Lift up and bend the outside knee and keep...
27 May Tandem Balance – Vertical Head Turns
HOW: Get set up in a standing tandem stance with one foot in front of the other. The more narrow your feet are, the harder the balancing is. Once you are balanced in this position, move your head in a yes motion for the...
29 Apr Single Leg Balance – Vertical Head Turns
HOW: Begin this exercise by standing on one foot. From this position, bring your arms out to the side to assist with balancing. Once your balance is maintained in the single leg position slowly bring your gaze from the ground up to the ceiling working...
16 Feb Single Leg Squat Pallof
HOW: Start out anchoring a band and holding the opposite end with both arms and have some tension on it. Shift your weight to the leg leg closest to the anchor. Engage your core and do not let the band pull you in as...