Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:25 What is frozen shoulder? 00:52 What causes frozen shoulder? 1:46 The stages of frozen shoulder 2:03 What can we do during the freezing stage? 2:55 Let's talk about the frozen stage and what you can do! 3:39 The thawing stage - here's what to do! Frozen shoulder can feel...

Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 1:07 Why is your QL painful? 2:42 What can you do for your QL pain? 3:20 The first phase of rehab 4:12 Let's get after phase two 5:02 Time for phase 3   QL pain can be tricky, but not when you follow these few exercises to get started on...

Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:45 Why we love kettlebells 1:09 How kettlebells help us reach our fitness goals 2:00 So much variety, and we mean it! 2:24 How to use a kettlebell for power 3:10 Using a kettlebell for muscle hypertrophy 3:30 But did you think about grip strength? 4:15 Use a kettlebell for...

Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:30 What is the meniscus? 1:20 How do we know if we have a meniscus injury? 1:35 Do I need surgery? 1:49 What can we do for a meniscus injury? 2:09 Early stage rehab 3:24 Middle stage rehab 4:36 Late stage So you have a meniscus injury, now what? How do...

Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:39 Why we love the hip thrust 1:21 What muscles play a role in the hip thrust? 1:53 Benefits of a hip thrust 2:15 Start with mastering the pelvic tilt 2:35 How to get set up for that PR 3:00 How to progress to your hip thrust 4:06 Time to...

Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:59 Importance of your jaw 1:20 Understand the anatomy of the jaw 1:54 What muscles do we use for chewing? 3:48 Why do we have pain in our jaw? 4:02 Exercises to try! 4:58 Other things you should be doing Did you know that there are a lot of really...
