HOW: In a standing position, anchor a band underneath the foot of the arm you want to work. Bring that band up to where it is on each side of your bent elbow and have your fist facing backwards. Rotate the arm out to...

HOW: Anchor a band to a lower position. Face away from it and get into the side plank position by placing your elbow on the ground directly below your shoulder. Have your hips, knees, and feet all in line with your hips in the...

HOW: Anchor a band to a lower position. Face away from it and get into the side plank position by placing your elbow on the ground directly below your shoulder. Have your hips, knees, and feet all in line with your hips in the...

HOW: In a standing position, loop a band around the back of your thighs. Hold onto the band with both hands. Extend your elbows out and have your arms down at your side. With your palms facing up, extend both arms straight up in...

HOW: Loop a band around each hand and then place the band behind your back under your shoulder blades. Lay back onto the band with your knees bent up and feet flat on the ground. Bring your arms out from the shoulder creating a...

HOW: Start in a push up position with toes pushing into the ground and your shoulders, hips, and knees in a straight line. Have a slider of some sort underneath one hand. As you go down in the push up, slide the slider out...

HOW: Start in a half kneeling position with one knee bent up in front of you with foot planted on the ground and the other knee on the ground. Anchor a band underneath the front foot and grab theĀ  end of the band with...

HOW: Attach a resistance band anchored to the wall at shoulder height. Position your body perpendicular to the wall you have it anchored to. With the outside arm, grab onto the band. Move your elbow up straight out from your shoulder while your forearm is...
