HOW: Loop a band around one end of a pull up bar. Place the foot that is on the band side in the band with it looping around the bottom of your foot. Stand on a step with one arm on the pull up...

HOW: Start by positioning yourself laying on a swissball in between your chest and stomach. Your knees should be straight out with your toes pushing into the ground. Have a weighted ball in each hand and extend your arms up overhead to make a...

HOW: Loop a band through a dumbbell or kettlebell. In a standing position, grab onto the band, bend your elbow, and position your hand in front of your shoulder. From here, press the band and weight straight up overhead. The slower you go the...

HOW: In a squat rack, place a band on each end with a weight attached at the bottom of the band. Make sure the band tension and weights are even. Place the middle of the bar in the front of your shoulders with your...

HOW: In a standing position, hold a kettlebell with both hands in front of your chest with your elbows bent. Perform a squat by bending your knees and hinging forward at the hips. At the bottom of your squat, press the kettlebell forward. While...

HOW: Begin on your side with one knee bent on top of a bench and the other bend below the bench on the ground. Have your elbow on the ground underneath your shoulder. Hold a dumbbell in the other hand out in the front...

HOW: Begin on your side with one foot on top of a bench and the other below the bench on the ground. Keep your knees straight, and your elbow on the ground underneath your shoulder. Hold a dumbbell in the other hand out in...

HOW: Begin in a standing position with your feet about shoulder width apart. Hinge forward at the hips, and bend your knees into a deep squat all the way down to grab onto your toes. Once your hips are as low as you can...

HOW: In a standing position, feet shoulder width apart, hinge forward at the hips and slightly bend your knees. Place one on the inside of the opposite knee. Move the other hand behind your back with your palm facing out and elbow bent. From...

HOW: Lean against a wall with your back flat against it and your feet out in front of you. Slightly bend your knees and sit into a small squat on the wall. From here, lift your toes up as high as you can. Do...
