HOW: Anchor bands above your head. Have a band in each hand as your feet are shoulder width apart and you have a slight bend in your knees. Hinge forward at the hips with your arms above you holding tension in the band. From...

HOW: Anchor bands at least shoulder height. Have a band in each hand as you bring your arms up straight out from your shoulders. Face your palms up and keep your elbows in as you bend your elbows bringing the bands towards you. Let...

HOW: Stand facing a wall. Loop a band around the bottom of your foot and bring your arm through the top part. The band should be placed just below the shoulder joint. Place that arm above your head with your hand on the wall...

HOW: Start on all fours with your knees under your hips and your elbows under your shoulders and hands on the ground. Put your toes into the ground, push into it lifting your body slightly off of the ground. Step backwards with one leg...

HOW: Loop the band around your hands per the instructions in the video. Raise your arms up in front of you just below shoulder height. Keep your palms facing up, squeeze your shoulder blades and move your arms straight out to your side opening...

HOW: In a standing position, grab a theraband with both hands. With your thumb up, bring one arm up over your head in a diagonal direction (make sure there is no resistance bringing this arm up). The other hand should pull the band down...

HOW: Facing the anchored band on your side, straighten your legs out with your feet on top of each other and have your elbow on the ground directly underneath your shoulder. Push into the ground with your feet and elbow and lift your hip...

HOW: Lie on your back and bring your arm straight up pointing to the sky as chest level. From this position, act like you're going to punch something above your fist that is a few inches above it. Keep the elbow straight and punch...

HOW: Lie on your side with support for your head from a pillow or opposite arm. With a dumbbell in your hand, rest it on your hip with your palm facing down. From here, bring your arm up in front of you aiming for...
