HOW: Stand behind an elevated surface or box. Grab onto a dumbbell in one hand. Place the opposite foot and leg onto the box with your foot flat and knee bent. Stay tall and straight as you push into the ground with the foot on...

HOW: Have your feet slightly less than shoulder width apart. Push into the ground with your toes lifting your heels slightly off of the ground in a small hopping motion. Continue this motion quickly as you hop up and down staying on the balls of...

HOW: Start in a seated position with your legs and feet together out in front of you. Place your arms to the side to help provide support as needed. Keep your legs straight as you  point your toes up and down as much as tolerated...

HOW: Start in a standing position. Place one foot’s heel in front of the other foot’s toes. Put your hands on your hips and get to a balanced feeling. Close your eyes and try to maintain that position for as long as prescribed.  FEEL: You should...

HOW: Attach a resistance band to something at about waist height. Have the attachment of the band at one side and grab onto it with both hands. Shift all of your weight to the outside leg. Lift up and bend the inside knee and keep...

HOW: Attach a resistance band to something at about waist height. Have the attachment of the band at one side and grab onto it with both hands. Shift all of your weight to the inside leg. Lift up and bend the outside knee and keep...

HOW: In a seated position, cross one leg over the other. Stabilize your foot with one hand and gently grab the big toe with the other hand. Move the toe up and down while only letting your hand do the work, not activating the...

HOW: In a chair, cross one leg over the other and place a resistance band around your big toe. Try to keep your ankle and foot up as you only use your toe to push the band down and up.    FEEL: You should feel...

HOW: Keeping your hands on the wall for balance, hop on both legs. Don’t allow your knee to collapse in, most of the motion should be coming from your ankles. Think of yourself as a rubber band or a spring loaded coil. Be bouncy!   FEEL: You...
