HOW: Start by holding a jump rope with each hand. While staying stiff and rigid throughout your entire body with a soft bend in your knees, begin jump roping by moving your hands forward while jumping over the rope as you go. With this...

HOW: Begin by lying face up with your arms wrapped around your leg. You can begin with your arms behind your thigh or around your shin. Next, pull your knee into your chest as far as you feel comfortable. Work around an angle that...

HOW: Begin by lying face up with your arms wrapped around both of your legs. You can begin with your arms behind your thigh or around your shin. Next, pull your knee into your chest as far as you feel comfortable.  Placing your hands...

HOW: Start in a standing position with a band anchored under your feet and around the top of your upper back. Hold onto the band in each hand - try to position the band similarly to how you would position a barbell in a...

HOW: Start in a standing position holding weights or objects in each hand positioned in front of your shoulders. While keeping the rest of your body still, begin the exercise by pressing the weights/objects overhead. Pause for a moment, then slowly lower the weights...

HOW:  Get your foot set-up and supported on an elevated surface while balancing on the other leg. To perform the mobilization, bring your knee and shin bone forward over your toes while keeping your heel down on the ground. While driving the knee forward,...

HOW: Get set up in a tall kneeling position on your knees on a foam surface or something unstable and soft like a pillow. Be positioned near a wall or sturdy object in case you need to recover your balance. Begin the exercise by...

HOW:  Get set up near a wall or an object such as a chair to ensure safety if you were to lose your balance. Slowly shift your weight laterally all the way to one side trying to put 100% of your weight onto one...

HOW: Pick up one foot and balance on the leg that is in contact with the ground. Hinge forward through your hips while holding onto a kettlebell. Once the balance is maintained in this position, slowly shift the kettlebell from one hand to the...

HOW: Walk backwards. As you take a step with your involved leg, work on “staying strong” and squeezing your glutes and quadriceps as you make contact with the ground. The goal is to feel strong on your leg like no one can push you...
