29 May Tricep Kick Back – Band
HOW: Position yourself on your hands and knees in the quadruped position. Have your hands straight down from your shoulders and your knees down from your hips. Anchor a resistance band with one hand and grab onto it with the other. Lock in your...
29 May Skull Crusher – Band
HOW: Lie on your back a band looped around the top of your back holding onto it with both hands. Bend your knees up with your feet flat on the ground. Bring your elbows up high straight out from your shoulders holding the band...
29 May Single Arm Triceps Extension – 3 Way, Band
HOW: In a standing position, hold onto a band or stand on it with the involved side’s foot. Bend your elbow and bring it up as high as you can by your head. Press the band up by straightening your forearm up overhead. Then,...
29 May Pike Push Up – Legs Elevated
HOW: Place your feet up onto an elevated surface with your toes pushing into the surface putting you into a plank position. From this position, walk your hands towards your feet one step at a time. Bring them as far back as you feel...
29 Apr Table Top Lat Pull Over
HOW: Anchor two resistance bands on a wall about hip height when you are standing. Position yourself lying on the ground facing away from the anchored bands. Grab onto a band with each hand with your palms facing also facing away from the anchor. Engage...
23 Mar D1 Extension – Rotation
HOW: Anchor a band at shoulder height or higher. Grab onto the band with your outside arm, the anchor should be to your side. Have a slight bend in your knees. Begin with the outside arm up and across your chest holding onto the...
16 Feb Split Stance Overhead Towel Slam – Double Clutch
HOW: Begin by holding a towel in a split stance position with one leg back with your toes pushing into the ground. The front leg’s knee is slightly bent and your weight is evenly distributed between both legs. Position the towell overhead with both...
16 Feb Split Stance Overhead Medball Slam – Double Clutch
HOW: Begin by holding a medball in a split stance position with one leg back with your toes pushing into the ground. The front leg’s knee is slightly bent and your weight is evenly distributed between both legs. Position the medball overhead with both...
16 Feb Rainbow Towel Whip – Alternating
HOW: Start in a standing position while holding a towel with both hands. Move the towel to one side and then bring it up overhead and whip it to the ground on the opposite side. This rainbow motion can be repeated on both sides...
16 Feb Rainbow Medball Slam – Alternating
HOW: Start in a standing position while holding a medball with both hands. Move the ball to one side and then bring it up overhead and slam it to the ground on the opposite side. This rainbow motion can be repeated on both sides...