01 Apr Standing Chest Press – Band
HOW: Start in a standing position with a band wrapped around your back at shoulder blade level holding the band in each hand. Begin the exercise by keeping the rest of your body still as you perform a standing bench press motion. Press your...
01 Apr Reverse Raise – Band
HOW: Start in a standing position with a band positioned at waist height holding the band in each hand with your thumbs facing forward. While keeping your elbows as straight as you can, begin the exercise by moving your arms backwards and squeezing your...
01 Apr Overhead Tricep Extension – Band
HOW: Start in a standing position with a band anchored under your feet, hold the band in each hand with the band positioned behind your head and neck with your palms facing up. While keeping the rest of your body still, elbows rotated in...
01 Apr Tall Plank – Band
HOW: The high plank position looks like the top of a push up position. Place a band around your back at shoulder blade height, hold the band in each hand between your thumb and index finger. Assume this position on the ground on your hands...
01 Apr V-Up Chest Press – Band
HOW: Start by laying flat on your back with a band wrapped around your upper back at shoulder blade level. Hold the band in each hand between your thumb and index finger. Begin the exercise by first assuming a V up position with your...
31 Mar Inch Worm To Push Up – In Place
HOW: In a standing position, begin this exercise by reaching towards the floor while keeping your knees straight. Walk your hands out until you get into a high plank position then perform pushup. Once you are in the high plank position again walk your...
26 Mar Push Up Plus – Incline
HOW: Start with your hands on an elevated surface in a high plank position. Begin the exercise by letting your shoulder blades move in together towards one another while keeping your elbows straight. Return to starting position by pushing into the surface with your...
22 Mar Single Arm Floor Press
HOW: Start laying flat on your back with your knees bent to at least 90 degrees. With a weight or object supported in one hand, flatten your low back into the ground followed by performing a bench press motion with just your arm holding...
22 Mar Single Arm Floor Press – Single Leg Bridge Position
HOW: Start laying flat on your back with your knees bent to at least 90 degrees. With a weight or object supported in one hand, bridge up by lifting your hips off the ground only on the same side you're holding the weight/object, the...
22 Mar Spiderman Push Up
HOW: Start on your hands and your feet, have your hands positioned under your shoulders. To begin the exercise, assume a high plank position, while keeping your body straight lower your chest down towards the ground as far as you can. Simultaneously drive one...