22 Aug Foot On Wall Calf Stretch – Knee Bent, Dynamic
HOW: Place your foot up against the wall as high as you feel comfortable with your heel on the ground. Drive your knee towards the wall feeling a stretch in the calf and foot. Move your knee back and forth for the prescribed amount...
22 Aug Foam Pad, Ball Toss Forward
HOW: Place a foam pad on the ground. Stand in the middle of the foam pad with both feet. Keep your balance on the pad while you toss a ball into a wall playing catch with yourself. FEEL: You should feel your lower leg...
22 Aug Ankle Dorsiflexion And Plantarflexion AROM – Ball
HOW: Begin in a seated position with a ball underneath your foot. Roll your foot to where your heel is in the front and your toes are pointing up. Follow that by rolling backwards on the back to end with your toes pushing into...
07 Aug Seated Ankle Pump
HOW: Start in a seated position with your feet flat on the ground. From here, push into the ground with your toes lifting your heels up, followed by returning to the starting position and lifting your toes off the ground. Alternate bringing your heels...
25 Jul Squat Hold – Heel Raise
HOW: Start by standing with your feet about shoulder width apart. Bend your knees, hinge forward slightly at the hips and squat down to a comfortable position. While holding this squat, push into the ground with your toes and raise your heels off of...
25 Jul Foot Pronation Supination
HOW: Begin in a standing position with both feet almost together. Rotate your body to the left and right as far as you can go while keeping your heel and toes on the ground. Let your lower leg rotate as one foot pushes into...
17 Jul Single Leg Heel Raise – Big Toe Extension
HOW: Place a folded towel on the ground. Stand on the towel with just your big toe on the towel. Use a wall or something to hold onto with balance. Bend the other knee up off of the ground. Push into the towel and...
26 Jun Seated Calf Isometrics – Strap
HOW: Have your legs straight out in front of you in a seated or long sitting position. Loop a band around the bottom of one of your feet. Use both hands to pull your foot back with the band while keeping your knee straight....
26 Jun Calf Stretch – Off Step
HOW: Place an elevated surface next to a wall. Stand on the surface and use the wall for support. Straighten one leg as you keep your toes on the surface and let your heel drop to the ground creating a stretch in that calf....
10 Jun Heel Raise – Big Toe Extension
HOW: Place a folded towel on the ground in front of you. Position both of your big toes on the towel with the balls of your feet still on the ground. Use a wall for balance support as you keep your knees straight and...