31 Mar Seated Plantar Fascia Stretch
HOW: In a seated position, cross the involved leg and foot over the other leg’s knee with your ankle hanging unsupported. Gently pull your big toe up stretching the bottom of your foot for the prescribed amount of reps. FEEL: You should feel a...
31 Mar Seated 1st MTP Extension Mobilization
HOW: In a seated position, cross the involved leg and foot over the other leg’s knee with your ankle hanging unsupported. Grab your foot around the ball of your foot stabilizing the whole foot with that hand. With the other hand, gently pull your...
28 Aug Wall Sit – Toe Lifts
HOW: Lean against a wall with your back flat against it and your feet out in front of you. Slightly bend your knees and sit into a small squat on the wall. From here, lift your toes up as high as you can. Do...
22 Aug Single Leg Balance On Toes – Band, Anti-Inversion
HOW: Anchor a resistance band at about waist height. Walk out holding the band finding the right resistance for you. Shift your weight onto the leg closest to the anchor with a slight bend in your knee. Push into the ground with that foot...
22 Aug Single Leg Balance – Ball Toss, Forward
HOW: Stand facing a wall on one leg. While balancing on that leg with a slight bend in your knee, toss the ball into the wall and play catch with it. Keep your hips facing forward as you throw the ball. The farther you...
22 Aug Single Leg Balance – Ball Toss Medial
HOW: Stand near a wall on the one leg that is furthest from the wall. While balancing on that leg with a slight bend in your knee, toss the ball into the wall and play catch with it. Keep your hips facing forward as...
22 Aug Single Leg Balance – Ball Toss Medial, Foam Pad
HOW: Place a foam pad on the ground near a wall. Stand on the pad with the leg furthest from the wall with a ball in your hands. While balancing on the pad with a slight bend in your knee, toss the ball into...
22 Aug Single Leg Balance – Ball Toss, Lateral
HOW: Stand near a wall on the one leg that is closest to the wall. While balancing on that leg with a slight bend in your knee, toss the ball into the wall and play catch with it. Keep your hips facing forward as...
22 Aug Single Leg Balance – Ball Toss Lateral, Foam Pad
HOW: Place a foam pad on the ground near a wall. Stand on the pad with the leg closest to the wall with a ball in your hands. While balancing on the pad with a slight bend in your knee, toss the ball into...
22 Aug Foot On Wall Calf Stretch – Knee Bent, Static
HOW: Place your foot up against the wall as high as you feel comfortable with your heel on the ground. Drive your knee towards the wall feeling a stretch in the calf and foot. Hold that stretch for as long as prescribed. FEEL: You...