HOW: Begin in a kneeling position next to a wall. The knee that is up should be closest to the wall. Placing your elbow on the wall with your arm bent is the correct distance you should be from the wall. From here, extend...

HOW:  In a kneeling position with one leg up and your foot flat on the ground. Lean forward as much as you can bending your knee and slightly bringing your heel off of the ground. Hold that position when you feel a good stretch...

HOW: Kneel on the ground with the foot you want to stretch in front of you.While keeping your forward foot flat on the ground, lean as far forward as you can without letting your heel come off the ground. Hold that stretch in the...

HOW: Start in the quadruped position.  Move your back up taking your hands off of the ground.  As your back is moving up, bring one foot forward in the half kneeling position.  Squeeze your glutes and try to bring your hips as forward as...

HOW: Get set up in a half kneeling position, but have your foot and knee that is supported on the ground positioned in-line with one another. While rooting your body into the ground, maintain balance and the position for the time instructed.   FEEL: This...

HOW:  Get set up in a half kneeling position with the ankle you want to work in positioned in front. To perform the mobilization, bring your knee and shin bone forward over your toes while keeping your heel down on the ground. Follow along...

HOW: Start in a half kneeling position with an anchored band looped around your upper thigh. The band should be trying to pull your thigh outwards as you move forward. Tuck your tailbone and keep your back up straight as you shift your weight...

HOW: Start in the quadruped position. Kick the leg you want to stretch out to the side while keeping your toes pointed forward. Place your hand on that same side behind your head. Rotate that elbow up to the ceiling while stabilizing with the...
