24 Jun Heel Raise – Half Kneeling to Step Up
HOW: Grab a bench or any elevated surface. Taking two steps away from the bench, set up in a half-kneeling position facing the bench. Transfer most of your weight to the front leg, getting the shin forward over the toes. Push through the front...
08 Dec Couch Stretch – Contract Relax
HOW: Assume a half kneeling position. Elevate the foot of the rear leg onto a couch, chair, or bench. Rock back the hips towards the heel until a stretch is felt. Pause here and push the shin into the bench. Relax and then deepen the...
08 Dec Half Kneeling Rear Leg Lift Off – Wall
HOW: Take a half kneeling position with the rear leg toes pushing into the ground, ball of the foot pushing into the wall. Rotate the torso over the front leg. Staying stacked tall with the torso, begin by pushing down with the front leg and...
04 Aug Half Kneeling Pelvic Floor Contraction
HOW: Begin in a half kneeling position. The other knee and hip are bent at 90 degrees and resting gently in front of you. Putting one hand on the belly, tuck the tail. As you breathe in, breathe into the belly and the area between...
30 May Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Lift Off
HOW: Begin in a half-kneeling position. There should be a 90 degree bend in both the front and back knee. Option to use the arms to the side for added balance. With a light weight shift to the back leg, lift the knee of the...
30 May Half Kneeling Hamstring Lift Off
HOW: Begin in a half-kneeling position. There should be a 90 degree bend in both the front and back knee. Option to use the arms to the side for added balance. With a light weight shift to the front leg, lift the foot of the...
14 Feb Half Kneeling Lat Pulldown
HOW: Begin this exercise by holding onto a resistance band that is anchored above you with one hand, and assume a half kneeling position with the leg opposite of the hand holding the band in front of you with your foot firmly planted on...
14 Feb Half Kneeling Lat Pullover
HOW: Begin this exercise by holding onto a resistance band that is anchored above you with one hand, and assume a half kneeling position with the leg opposite of the hand holding the band in front of you with your foot firmly planted on...
18 Aug Half Kneeling Anterior Chain Stretch
HOW: Begin this stretch by having a resistance band anchored overhead and assume a half kneeling position with the knee of the side you want to stretch planted on the ground. From this position, grab onto the band overhead, tuck the pelvis to a neutral...
18 Aug Half Kneeling Single Arm Row – Band
HOW: Begin this exercise in a half kneeling position with one knee planted on the ground and the other foot planted firmly on the ground. From here, grab the resistance band, pull the shoulder blade back beginning in a retracted position, then pull the band...