27 Jan Double Leg Hip Thrust – Jump
HOW: Start by sitting on a bench or a box that will support you. Slide down and place your shoulders on the bench with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Perform a hip thrust by pushing into the ground with your feet...
24 Jan Supine Neck Flexion – Off Table
HOW: Get set up laying on your back on a table or elevated surface. Slide forward enough to have your head off of the surface. From here, slowly allow your head to fall back. Then, pull your head and neck up using your neck muscles. FEEL:...
24 Jan Supine Chin Tuck – Lift, Isometric
HOW: Lie on the ground facing up. Perform a chin tuck by moving your chin towards the floor flattening the curve of your neck. From here, lift your head and neck up off of the ground while maintaining the chin tuck. Hold this position for...
23 Dec Isometric Bridge – Isometric Adduction
HOW: Place a yoga block or med ball in between your knees at the bottom of your inner thighs. Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent up and your feet flat on the ground about shoulder width apart. Squeeze the object, then...
23 Dec Isometric Bridge – Isometric Hip Abduction, Band
HOW: Loop a resistance band around your legs just above the knees. Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent up and your feet flat on the ground about shoulder width apart. Put tension on the band rotating your hips slightly outward while...
23 Dec Bridge – Heel Raise
HOW: Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent up and your feet flat on the ground about shoulder width apart. Push into the ground with your feet lifting your hips as high as you can flexing your glutes and engaging your core...
29 May Turkish Get Up – Shoe
HOW: Start by lying on your back with one arm straight up from your chest balancing a shoe on your fist. The side that is balancing the shoe, bend that knee up and place your foot flat on the ground. Bring the other leg...
29 May Skull Crusher – Band
HOW: Lie on your back a band looped around the top of your back holding onto it with both hands. Bend your knees up with your feet flat on the ground. Bring your elbows up high straight out from your shoulders holding the band...
29 May Single Leg Hip Thrust Pulse
HOW: Place your upper back onto an elevated surface, preferably a bench. Keep your feet flat on the ground with your knees bent and hips down to start with. Bring one knee slightly up towards your chest lifting your foot off of the ground....
29 May Single Leg Hip Thrust Pulse, Band Around Knees
HOW: Loop a band around your knees. Place your upper back onto an elevated surface, preferably a bench. Keep your feet flat on the ground with your knees bent and hips down to start with. Bring one knee slightly up towards your chest lifting...